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Everything posted by Derackthehunter

  1. I'm surprised no one said it yet. Well I guess I'll go first. @CutieQuesadilla End thread.
  2. I didn't have anything to dispute other than a double charge for 45 bucks but that's not gonna effect anything.
  3. Mine just jumped like 56 points because I paid off a credit card
  4. Do it. I haven't regretted it. I love not paying money to someone so they can hold my money.
  5. If that's what you were told then you shouldn't be liable for the overage charge.
  6. This is why I use a credit union.
  7. I'll have to look into this PlayStation now that you speak of. Just looked into it 180 for a year is pretty steep. And 20 a months wouldn't be bad but as a trophy whore I'd be better off saving money going with the 3 month subscription at a time.
  8. I'm pretty sure both of them are the max amount of memory or at least at the time 500 GB I think.
  9. I know they are old but they do work fine and I still have a ton of games to play on them. I'm blanking on it right now but I'm pretty sure the 4 isn't backward compatible with 3 games.
  10. See I have two PS3 that work fine so in my mind it's hard to justify getting a 4. Damn me being fiscally responsible.
  11. Yeah I might actually breakdown and get one.
  12. I'm considering getting a PS4 for this game.
  13. That's not uncommon for a job to want you there and to start getting things up and running before your time even starts. I try to be early anyway so I have time to bullshit before work.
  14. I think the last one I played was 6
  15. Venus project right?
  16. Imposible you don't have a job.
  17. Ice cream. It's really good, but I only like the ones made from cashews
  18. I pretty much eat So Delicious now.
  19. What can I say, Red is my power color.
  20. Word. Besides my man Rogue did a great job all by himself
  21. You tried too hard man. I mean the thread itself was bait, we didn't really need to shoutout as well.
  22. Well it finally happened. I guess we can declare a winner.
  23. Using that amount means nothing. Anyone who works from home would use more than that.
  24. Works fine for me.
  25. Ah of course because something doesn't match up to what you believe it must be bullshit. It doesn't matter if his energy was created in a much more green or efficient manner all that matters is the amount he used. Gasbag.
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