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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. They're coming for his ass Literally
  2. I'm special I take it?
  3. Cute I was actually just watching this on my DVR Dogs 101
  4. I used to remove them myself but now I leave the headache for you
  5. Beagle puppy! So cute
  6. Just wait until you unlock dumpster fire
  7. Who are you fresh meat
  8. God I hope so Elfie managed to ruin the forum
  9. Yea I know about that I was one of those people who was part of it lol
  10. Elfie basically made KN "owner of the site/server" have a meltdown so for me tagging zeni to come here is fine now long story short blame your resident whiner
  11. The lack of @Zenigundam in this thread is sad
  12. I'll take the 70 degree morning with the 55-60 night
  13. That's a headache
  14. I have no time for pests
  15. Why would I want someone to know where I work?
  16. If I did it should've been when it was cooler
  17. Only if you're creepy ass lives there
  18. Ac unit is broken so now there's 3 broken ac units on the roof Yesterday the dining room ac unit broke today its fixed only for it to die out now What a great evening and the dinner rush hasn't even started yet
  19. Try working in a kitchen heat wave outside with high humidity Heat wave inside with broken ac units
  20. Wifi was being a prick
  21. Hmm "looks at results" 4 for blankets 2 for pillows Time viewing poll 7:34am
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