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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. I'm in the dish room and also the grill line so you wouldn't hurt me
  2. Bags Turkey instantly 😋
  3. I'm actually surprised no one asked DeMarco about this
  4. Season 5 of jack was their smartest move since it had such a huge fanbase flcl now this is their dumber move stupidest belongs to black clover
  5. It can't come sooner So far 3 parties of 30 only 2 left I hate fajita night
  6. New meat! Now flcl really shit the bed instead of JoJo for once
  7. bout to sleep instead I have to be at work at 10am
  8. doujins? https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsXBattle/
  9. blame the republicans blame @Ginguy
  10. don't you got a gf to please or something?
  11. thats because you were touching my side
  12. net neutrality is making its move
  13. hmmm I'll pester you later on during the week
  14. I'll tag you instead mister takes money and not fix my issues
  15. 523 I think it was
  16. Now that's a horrible series
  17. Lol
  18. Lol true they can't even handle zeni so I doubt they can handle that
  19. Mousou Telepathy 603 Seitokai Yakuindomo 475 Violence Action 12.3 Iron Ghost no Shoujou 12
  20. And I in a fouler mood than I started
  21. I just got back from hells kitchen no fucking air and it's 91 outside
  22. I'll tag you in toonami so you can spread the joy
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