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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. Misaka

    Not good

    I love broccoli though And this beagle will eat anything
  2. Misaka

    Not good

    Dog ate my plate of broccoli I do not feel safe right now
  3. God damn it norbit!
  4. Both is mine but I'VE been sleeping more in my lazyboy
  5. Or looking to see which creep is stalking her and report them
  6. Which one is your favorite sleeping place?
  7. Corgi!!
  8. It's usually a lot more colder but this time it was luke warm
  9. Well it's not a harsh remark like usual so
  10. Oh shit the world must be ending cause cracky actually praised me
  11. Are you actually prasing me?
  12. I got blood on the 15th one yesterday so it hurts
  13. Well I was at work earlier if that helps you
  14. Dude the only girl you know is your mother and that's it
  15. @crackymckrackin is here still a senile old man
  16. Would of worked if you said you were high & drunk
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