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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. You got something to say quick shot?
  2. Under stilgar and scoob
  3. I was thinking he could wear cleats
  4. If I'm the bitch that makes you the pimp
  5. Not even as a footstool?
  6. You know I could care less about them right? Detroit has more issues going on than flint
  7. I'm not mumbo you idiot Hell the last I did that was when @crackymckrackin took out helpme I was depressed and tried killing myself now I just move on I'll have my bitch fit for a while then move on but I do hold grudges
  8. Then why are you talking to me?
  9. Related
  10. Saw at times you make my day but other times you annoy the fuck out of me more than I do myself
  11. I have to see the shit every damn day on the news look for the Detroit news on this subject
  12. The entire thing is your side
  13. Yea our sirens go off every 1st Saturday of the month but the only time I actually here them is not during tornadoes but during high winds warnings
  14. Ha! Called it!
  15. Oh so you're like me The county over will get hit before I see anything
  16. Yea but everyone knows it's the cats property
  17. Yea now My show only got interrupted 3 times at 630 Wait you're from Atlanta?
  18. A fat L couch I'm jealous
  19. Fuck you Their pipes and plumbing have all been fixed
  20. Short stamina or quick shot? If it's stamina ask @SwimModSponges for advice
  21. thats what you do all day long? good god get a life
  22. image is the brand of knife
  23. 12" chef knife
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