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About KageRageX

  • Birthday November 29

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  1. You know what? Toonami can just fucking air Supes, Unicorn, IFG, CSE, OMG Yes and Primal as a whole lineup and I wouldn't even fucking care ATP. If they had to keep info about the last real Gundam show airing at the ass end of the block from DeMarco because even programming knew that Gundam wasn't meant for US audiences, then what the hell else is there worth waiting on?
  2. ................... Damn.
  3. How the hell does something on Netflix only get fucking 500K??? They might as well just gave the damn thing to Toonami.....
  4. So.... All that purging for this? Fuck'em. I hope the whole company and Zaslav chokes. Racist anti-animation motherfucker.
  5. Right, and for some reason, the last season of Malcolm even aired on AD IIRC... Ah, but the show didn't OFFICIALLY premiere until May.... I'm kinda wondering...what would have it been like if the show continued airing on Fox, or even if the show just ended at it's Fox run, then likely got revived.
  6. Sketch please DON'T give them that idea.....
  7. So.....ion know exactly what to think of this, but check this out: https://x.com/i/web/status/1894096746113888667 Perhaps Fire Force Season 3 WILL be Toonami-bound after all....?
  8. Where the hell is all these rumors of IFG being written off coming from?
  9. Maybe they're saving CSE's slot for something else in May? MHA S7, Recoil S2, Mash S2, Stone final season, DanDaDan, Daima, Hashira Training? Who knows.....
  10. lol. Monkey shit. Never even knew they made a whole ass bump skit about it.
  11. An thriller/mystery series could actually work on Toonami if done well enough. Expand beyond Shonen shit and cape shit.
  12. I wonder if Azuki's original anime will air on the block at some point.
  13. I'll take it. CSE looks good enough, and actually could wind up working for them. Rick and Morty is R&M. After what happened with the anime, anything R&M should stay far away from the block. This also may imply that CSE might get more action-oriented assuming it gets a S2. Now if OMG Yes was the show coming to the block, THEN I'd see a problem, but give CSE a chance. Still think that the slot should be MHA S7, Hashira Training, Recoil S2 or Daima.
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