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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. I’m happy you’ve kept this character during your short stint here
  2. This stuff looks like bottled diabetes
  3. Cinnamon Fire are the best
  4. She just uses her phone like every other mother fucker out there… what don’t you get?
  5. I’m not in there either… what gives?
  6. The new Ch king from Burger King is good with franks red hot
  7. Sup guy, wanna see muh junk?

  8. Get fukt, whiteboi ric
  9. IMG_2368.MP4
  10. Sawdamizer


    What am I doing with this?
  11. Holy fuck my asshole shit! Please keep updating us on this page breaking shit
  12. Omg holy fucking shit!!!
  13. Hmmm… but I did see that that Biden is jumping on the accelerated deportation efforts that Obama kicked in to high gear. I guess it really depends on what you care about
  14. I think, at some point… like, you can talk about it and if it’s just a rant, I guess go crazy. But it’s just so many trump threads… and it’s nothing new. If there is an opportunity to change peoples minds in his community I said get involved, but you ain’t getting much here. Also, it really is the same shit…. There are some real pieces of shit on the Dem side too, but… it’s not republican so….
  15. I guess. Just seems unhealthy for you.
  16. I think you should stop looking for all these new articles regarding trump… most of your threads involve him in rants… and maybe you just need to let go
  17. I’m more concerned about other children being exploited then any farce of an insurrection. I mean, people are moving on with the presidency.
  18. Why does Ben seem like such a pervy fuck?
  19. I thought the same thing, but didn’t image search it
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