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Everything posted by LoverDemon

  1. Okay, so what I'm hearing is... you don't like to be overstuffed, and you like the sauce. I can work under these circumstances.
  2. and put my beef in your taco? Yeah, I bet you could stand for a big ol' whopper right now, huh? Yeah, I got to tell you, I'm a Jumbo Jack man myself, if you know what I mean. Yeah and I'm loaded with secret sauce!
  3. Reading the judgment, judge has quite the sense of humor and basically dropped the mic on him. [4] Yet, to the complainant and his family, this is an unbearable nuisance. An affront on many levels. So much so, that according to the objective video evidence, they drive dangerously near the children as a way to protest their presence and express their discontent. That is the backdrop of this case. The complainants have a list of grievances against the accused, his family, his young children and the other neighbours’ young children. These grievances are nothing more than mundane, petty neighbourhood trivialities. The complainants have consistently videotaped their neighbours. Yet, they charge Mr. Epstein with criminal harassment. With an irony of unmatched proportions, they complain that he might have recorded them. He did not. [5] To the complainants, the presence of young families outside it is a source of scorn and vivid resentment that ultimately spilled over into a criminal complaint against their neighbour. A school teacher. A caring father of two young daughters who committed no crime whatsoever. A man who has somehow been subjected to criminal charges for almost two years. [6] This injustice ends today. [7] After Mr. Epstein testified in chief, in a tremendous display of professionalism and objectivity, Crown counsel declined to cross-examine him since, in her view, it was not in the public interest to do so. Instead, she humbly invited the Court to enter an acquittal. Having heard the evidence, I can unreservedly confirm that she made the right call. Counsel’s integrity was commendable. [8] For reasons explained below, the Court is resoundingly acquitting the accused. Since I’m hesitant to draft an entire decision in bold and caps-lock characters, I offer the following observations instead. [9] It is deplorable that the complainants have weaponized the criminal justice system in an attempt to exert revenge on an innocent man for some perceived slights that are, at best, trivial peeves.
  4. More nostalgia I managed to grab up. Issue #23: Zombie Grandma Christmas
  5. I'mma be honest with you, that's what the HELPeR forum did too, we had a special rant thread, just for us to vent... all... about... you.
  6. That's what I always assumed that mod forums were filled with, that or a bunch of feet pics.
  7. Wow, it's been so long I completely forgot about the playtesting forum. I basically remember the HELPeR forums, and the mods were always going in about the stuff they were doing in their forum there. Haha.
  8. I wasn't sure where to put this, since I feel making a thread on it would be a bit, pointless. But this is a good place to put it, a little lore I found on the Owl Forum. The goal of this investigation is to find out if the owl forum exists before I myself rank to OotO, and will know for certain. That means I have til' the end of the month of January, 2008. Most owls have always supported the idea that the Owl forum exists. I have proof to the contrary, and proof that backs it up, and some proof that could do both. Owls who say there is no owl forum could be making it up to mess with us, or may have never gotten their confirmation email. Owls who say there is an owl forum [the majority] could be supporting a large mythology for the fun of squashing our hopes when we get to OotO. Runescapian: Whoa whoa wait...I thought there wasn't an Owl board...since I didn't see one when I ranked. [and now, I break my 25,666 post count] Duzitickle: check your bulk folder. sometimes they go there. see ya on the owl board! Runescapian: I always think all that's just Viagra prescriptions. Lucky me I found something that WASN'T spam for once. Thanks! I don't know much about Lithium, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have to e-mail you if they wanted to give you special access to a forum. They'de probably just either attach the privledge to the rank itself somehow, or give special privledges to anyone who acheived that rank. Here's a more convincing peice of evidence for the owl forum: Half_Breed [swimstar]: The mod's/admins also have to have a group meeting to accept you, since they have to go and do all the work to modify your account to have the privlege of viewing the forum. I did the same thing with a miniforum i had years back. This sounds a lot more convincing than Duzi's conversation. It makes sense that a person who's going to receive a bunch of privledges would have to have a background chech by the mods. But let's think about it. Would the mods really have to put that much work into allowing someone onto a forum? Do they really have a group meeting for every owl? It doesn't seem like they would do that much work, that often. Duzitickle: w00t! Luuv just made us a new gif posting thread. (the old one was like 8000 posts, lawl) If owls have GIF posting privledges, why would you need a thread just to do it? Furthermore, why not just "picture posting priveledges"? Why would they be restricted to GIFs? It seems like duzi is saying this just to convince us more. On the other hand, most Owls were IBers at one time, and IBers would surely jump at the chance to excercise/abuse any privledge given to them, even if it had no real meaning. Runescapian: On second thought...every third page is a fake banscreen, now that I'm looking through it. Apparently this is where they started... Why would the mods allow banscreens on the owl forum, if they don't allow them in other places? Is it because they assume all owls will be able to understand that they're not really banned? Or that owls won't abuse the same HTML in other forums? If not, how did the banscreens spread outside the owl forum? Arachnomancer: Odin says it's real. Apparently, there is a thread right now about how you don't believe it's real...and they are all laughing at you Most likely, Ara knows the truth about whether or not there is indeed an "Owl Forum". However, she has deceived us before. Making it seem like we're being laughed at for not beleiving it is a great maneuver to make us beleive it, one that owls have been useing for a long time. But if I knew something, and it was a thing I was happy to know, I would probably laugh at people who denied it. Now, the crowning piece of evidence. This will be the hardest to prove or disprove... Duzi: this is the only screenshot i've ever gotten out of the board. after i posted it initially, i got a PM from admin telling me i couldnt cap it anymore. apparently, nonowls would "cause a stink". Now, look closely at the areas around the text. Here's a screencap of IB, as seen from my computer. It looks the same as Duzi's screencap. It was pasted into MS paint, and saved as a bitmap, so the file type wouldn't be a factor in the image quality. However, don't you find it a little odd that all the threads are so infamous? Comrad's h4x thread, a giat "+1" thread, a thread by milarkie, an animated GIF thread... I don't really see much of the crap that commonly goes on in IB. It's slightly suspicious that there can only be one screencap of the owl forum available. But if owls really tried to keep it a secret, that may just be the case. Here's another piece of evidence that's hard to deny: Total Posts for Angelic_Scars [message tracker]: 68,963 Total Posts : 69,519 Where are the other 556 posts? One would assume they are in the owl forum, unless I added wrong or missed something. However, there is another secret forum, for the purpose of quarentining questionable threads, which these posts could have been moved into and left in. Now for a bit of anti-owl forum information: Runescapian sent me a PM stating that there was no owl forum, and he couldn't keep lying to me in the thread. He could just be screwing with me, but he seemed like he wanted to tell the truth. However, so did duzi. And I must admit, telling people there isn't an owl forum and having it be a surprise when they find there is one is a bit nicer than building up their hopes, and then letting them crash down. Well, there's a lot of evidence on both sides of the issue. If you have anything you'de like to point out, feel free to say it to me in the thread I'll undoubtedly be making. I can't say I'm sure whether there's an owl forum, but I would certainley like to beleive there's one. If not, hey, I'll make a PHBB and invite only OotO's to it, and let them post pics and swear.
  9. There was a supposed screencap to it at one point, which is what set off the rumors (amongst specific Owl's of the time stating so), but sadly, that like a lot of stuff is lost to time. That idea, would suit ASMB to be frank, to have an urban legend that at one point was actually real but isn't any longer, and the novelty of it all would wear off, especially with the amount of Owl's there eventually were.
  10. ThunderCats (1985) Season #01 - Episode #01 - Exodus Meant to watch this again sometimes ago, since I don't believe I've seen this since I was a kid. A no, I didn't watch the 2011 series, if not for no other reason than I wanted to watch the original and kept pushing it back.
  11. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - 7/10
  12. Ah sweet, it sucks that stuff like this is so fuzzy and forgotten by this point, this stuff was basically on it's last leg and a bit of a muddled mess. I had to use multiple sources to get all the names on the list, because the original site that hosted the list has long since been scrapped and these names... are all of a blast from the past, I remember almost everybody on this list. Makes me wish I was as big into internet history as I am today.
  13. I don't want to ruin the joke, but it makes sense in some capacity, it's a play on words. It's also a meme, so it's flawed logic. Best of both worlds. The original dialogue I found, from a little digging says "And now we'll back it for one hour at 375°"
  14. Knew them both, although SapphireShores to a lesser degree. Happy Birthday you two, don't let your dreams become memes, unless you want them to, dream big, meme big.
  15. Yeah, it's basically the only thing I could find from that era of Investigations and creative ways for people to mess around with other members on the board. Everything else is basically dead and buried.
  16. (Reconstructed this piece-by-piece for archival reasons). (I remember most of the people on this list, but there are a few generic names I couldn't piece together just because of my memory being fuzzy, any generic names that you see that can be filled in (for instance Bump, and I know I knew a Bump but I can't for the life of me remember the name), let me know.) Otherwise, enjoy one of the more amusing sagas of the ASMB. The Original List The_Pirate-King psycho_raven newnightcreature0 SwimMod_Beezo Final List
  17. Little more historical stuff from various eras. The List Our first investigation, on December 28, 2007, was that of "The List". It revolved around a message posted by Arachnomancer, claiming to have received it from an anonymous alt, and created forty pages of investigative efforts, something which is truly remarkable in IB. The Omega The second investigation, shortly after, is "The Omega". On December 30th, messages were sent to several users containing hints related to "The Omega". They were all sent by Virtuoso_Savant. The Omega was solved, much more quickly and efficiently than the list. The Omega was "I am a third of the devil", the devil being the number 666 and a third being the number six, so the solution was "Six" The Omega: Round 2 The second part of the Omega was sent out on January 6, 2008. It was also sent by Virtuoso_Savant, and followed the exact same format as the previous Omega. The Omega, this time, was "What an odd time for Christmas", the answer being "July". The Owl Forum Since the days of Milarkie, Order of the Owl users have proliferated the rumor that they converge on a secret Owl Forum. Lower ranking users are forever left to wonder: Is it real? A while back, I had compiled all the facts I can relating to The Owl forum, in hopes of discovering the truth of the matter before becoming an OotO. Well, I found out the truth before becoming OotO. I'm not going to tell you it, though. [It's fake] The Zomega The Zomega is a series of Omega-like riddles, with the same style, however they carry a much more comical tone. At first, the FBI suspected the sole purpose of the Zomega was to mock the FBI and its riddle-solving. We discovered, however, that FBI agent Fok had delivered it, and that it was intended as an actual riddle. The Joke: "What kind of bee gives milk?" The Punchline: "Boo-bees". DA-DUN, TSH! The Chain The Chain is yet another Omega-styled riddle, with a number of clues, each indicating their position and value. It also had a new feature, a cipher which helped determine the order of the clues based on the number of sides in the shape assigned to each clue. That answer thus acheived was "The number of these in our group is now". Clearly, this is incomplete, and led the FBI to investigate the numbers in parenthesis further. We discovered that by placing the clues in order of their ( ) numbers, and selecting a character from each clue based on the number of sides in that clue's shape [example: quadrilateral=4, 4th character in clue], we formed the remainder of the clue, "eight of them". Therefore, The Chain in its entirity reads "The number of these in our group is now eight of them", and the answer is "Planets", because Pluto is no longer considered a planet. Crop R This is yet ANOTHER Omega-style riddle, with a general agricultural and mineral feel to it. The solution, after a complex system of eliminating letters, is "Earth". The Omega: Finishing the Trilogy The Omega: "One rogue cook asked me to get eggs, milk and flour. She lied." The Solution: "The Cake is a Lie". Once again, we have use of IB memes.
  18. Found this doing a bit of digging. 05MAY03 Dawn of Time Creation of SoyBomb 27MAY03 Boards open. 16JUN03 First webcam party (the one without audio). Midsummer '03: Boards restructured from previous 3 folder format. Rants, Babbling, IB, other anime, and show suggestions added. 04JUL03 The first Black & White bumper card suggestion thread was posted by Soultaker. 07JUL03 Inuyasha is taken off the schedule. Mass riots insue. Action vs. Comedy war begins; "becuz anime is teh s uck" is born. 09JUL03 Enlisted SwimMod CJ 26OCT03 Episode 20 of The Big O is aired instead of the season finale. Number of new messages reportedly increased 300% during the twelve hours after the episode aired. 26OCT03 Second webcam party; drunken chix0r insults fans. 02NOV03 Adult Swim airs the beginning of the "wrong" episode of Big O from last week for about 25 seconds. Before Adult Swim can say "Sorry, we had to do it.", the boards already receive a few complain threads. And to a lesser extent, there are several complaints about the Weinstein episode of Family Guy not airing as planned, despite the PROGRAMING ALERTs that aired all week. 14DEC03 A quiet Sunday morning, until a user going by the name USArmy decided to inform us all that the United States Army had found Saddam Hussein cowering in a hole about 150 times. This went on for about three hours until SwimMod_DH arrived. 14JAN04 Boards switch from Prospero software to Lithuim. 11FEB04 Viewer Valentine bumps air. Odin writes one to a girl at his former job, forgets to tell her to watch it. Mid-March '04: Shark vs. Croc. Late March '04: Name teh Cat (FireCloud II) 30MAR04 Isen and Bast are modified 01APR04 Mustache day. I need not say anything more. 17APR04 Action Saturdays returned, which featured the debut of the Animatrix. 18APR04 Sundays became all comedy, which included the debut of Popeye, (and the return of Ripping Friends). 16MAY04 The "dreadful," but unsuccessful IGN "Attack". On this day we saw how important the mods were, and that no website can bring down the ASMB EMPIRE! 19JUL04 Hockey Chicken launches. 02AUG04 Adult Swim replaces ATHF with Sealab. 04AUG04 Adult Swim starts airing commercials announcing that ATHF is "cancelled" and is airing the "final episode" on August 15th. 08SEP04 New RP Rules were enforced and RP_Referees were created. 26OCT04 No more RPs 07NOV04 Super Milk Chan and Tom Goes to the Mayor broadcast. Simultaneously, nearly every avid viewer of Adult Swim's perception of the programming block is lowered. 16NOV04 ATHF webcam poker Party
  19. Scratch that, I'm keeping the name. Thank you regardless.
  20. Last last one definitely sticks in your head. Along the same vein, the Inuyasha bumpers were a lot of fun. This one has stuck with me for years. We just want to make clear that It is of the upmost importance That Influencing your inappropriately should always be left to Politicians, commercials and ex-girlfriends.
  21. I feel like I'm sitting on an atomic bomb, waiting for it to go off!
  22. There's a rule that HELPeR's used to have on the old forums that went basically along the lines of "Don't get into arguments on your HELPeR accounts, it just looks trashy." I mean who knows he could have another account he runs around on and argues with people on the daily, frankly a lot of these people do, but if not, he'd be best suited to get one.
  23. Yup, the right amount of tight, without any of the slack.
  24. Usually the threads that made me laugh the most were the threads you thought would be smaller threads and would suddenly get flooded with responses. Derailed threads were often the most fun in those days.
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