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Everything posted by LoverDemon

  1. There's just so much, the people especially, doxiedaschie, chatmanmatt, crushrose, cidz, OMNI, CAC, amongst more that sadly escape me at the moment. Each left a lasting impact on me during a time, where I was merging from being a teen and working my way into my college years. The mods, Odin, Muse, Luuv especially come to mind, I got to work around CJ which was pretty cool during a time when I was looking to get into graphic design (my current job). I remember Torrent, I remember Humbug who I had a good relationship with, and really allowed me to get creative with a bunch of contests that I got to run around the numerous boards at the time. ASMB really allowed me to be creative, and I think it did for a lot of us, I remember the crazy shit that happened around those days. The List? Anyone remember that one? The board hacking that was just plain chaos, numerous April Fool pranks, AD doing the Year Books, or how we would keep track of the most minute stuff, like how many minutes we were logged into the site, or the Owl list (which I made it onto (unofficially), because I was a HELPeR at the time) and it's funny because if not for that, I probably wouldn't have been able to do what I do today. It definitely reminded me a simpler time, chilling around IB, or just talking with people about anime, it was when I found more time for myself, before college just completely swamped my life. Then I remember coming back and seeing the board not like it used to be, and then... next thing I know it's gone. It sucks, there's a lot of history there, lot of lost chats, cool stuff we did, lot of memories, lot of nostalgia. I still from time to time find myself thinking back to that stuff and just missing the shit out of it.
  2. Man... It's crazy to me, that after all these years, just randomly finding a link on another message board led me back here, only to find out that Luuv isn't here anymore. Luuv was good people, I got to work with him as a HELPeR on the old message board and he was always one of the easiest mods to get along with. Sucks how time works with you sometimes, but more often works against you.
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