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Everything posted by Neko

  1. The cool thing about it..is that you could use it. But you wouldn't want to miss how.
  2. It's shocking! How could you not know...who could've guessed? I mean I need you to know this amount of amazing.
  3. I can't get a fine tooth comb through my hair....won't have any...and the shirt...oooohh boy, you're not ready for that.
  4. Shuck...don't have your problem. I just eat. I have food right now beside me.
  5. You're head would explode from the sheer awesomness of what I could do with it.
  6. Well shit...most of them. I gotta see a doctor because my vagina is in pain and my clitoris has non of it's normal functioning. Basically my vajaja isn't working correctly anymore. My ex was alright, motivated...welp towards the end you know brain and chemistry play a part in attraction. It was hard to stay attracted to him because I knew he was no longer attracted to me. Hard to function but after a while it got bored and stale. He was no longer interested and offered not one suggestion to help, so one thing led to another and I just kept masturbating to weirder and weirder things till I reached a point and stopped. Couldn't find anything relatable to the weird things so I couldn't get off as well and had to rely on old feelings that were there and fleeting. I was attracted to him in a sense and my best orgasms were when I could somewhat connect to him. TBH that wasn't the worst experience. I had 2-3 that didn't pan out like I wanted it to. I ended fooling around with this guy....red flags everywhere, was sloppy and pushy and I told him no multiple times. Should've went home when I though about it, It was one of those times where I was with the wrong person...he acted like he didn't know what no meant or that no meant something else entirely...happned twice when there should have been a never. Felt weird then bad, then mad for a while after it happened. Questioned rape questioned yolo, heck I questioned what my intention was at that time. I knew that wasn't what love nor sex was suppose to be like...one night stand, hit or or quit it, neither seem like my type of thing but even then, I guess it was from perspective. Talked to him about it. He was apologetic and I just left it...I felt bad enough as it was. I had another experience within a year of that which was a repeat of the same shit. I said no...just no, go to sleep or something. Should have removed myself from the situation. She wasn't trying to hear that shit and wanted what she wanted. Tbh, it wasn't as much as about sexual as I realized that in the span of 2 years I managed to find myself in the worse situations with people I cared about only to get "I love you" and them taking what they though belonged to them. I have a weird experience but I will tell that in a later post.
  7. I need a fine tooth comb and a fitted short sleeve shirt.
  8. I make the money....really big girl but not in a bad way. Sweet but chronically sad and a bit gullible. I don't talk much and I have a tendency to get sick.
  9. Yo...let me know if you want a throuple....I gotcha.
  10. Yo...still on. It's the end but I gotcha if I had yer addresses?
  11. Neko

    ISP role check.

  12. Shit son...don't think I ever made that many under one guise. Only had 2 and the other one had maybe a couple hundred.
  13. Seems like I read this before.
  14. Consenticles?
  15. The Sims? Yas boo boo...the sims. Ghost pets?
  16. Do ett...you'll feel better soon...probably sick at first though.
  17. It means...you're in sims and someone's ghost dog is following you.
  18. Please refrain from holding you hands below the screen...I don't trust your facial expressions.
  19. Shit man, I would have whooped your ass...naw, I kid. I cheated on a 1st grade test when I was younger...I forged a signature and felt guilty about it till I was in 3 or 4th grade...shit ate me up so bad I think I probably would have croaked over. Every since then, it kinda changed a part of my personality where I would try to tell as honestly as I could an answer. It worked well till I worked with people so much that telling people "white lies" kinda messed me up...telling a person that they're home or fine might not be the best honesty policy but shit like that kinda bothers me. Lately though...it got me in a whole lot more trouble that I could account for...but you know...shit happens. I wonder how my karma was 4 years ago vs today?
  20. Lately, trying to be about something that wouldn't harm good peeps...my mind is torn to pieces but I do know my cardinal directions. Mainly ethical stuff. I've been hallucinating some bad shit. Demon attack? Who knows. It ate me up and I saw some horrible shit. Hi, I'm your friendly nurse whos's actively hallucinating everyday!
  21. OOOh, explosive temper. I've kinda developed that, but if feels so foreign...I have a bit of a hot head but I've mellowed out a little. I've exploded on people before when I was younger, blacked out and errythang. When I got older, I kinda kept it in check because I have to work with people all the time. I just didn't fit, so I had to slice it off, but It came back full force and it's so inconvient.
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