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Everything posted by RPD

  1. Either you didn't read, or didn't understand, my post. SJW's aren't to blame for anything Vic may or may not have done. Due to the constant finger-pointing and accusations people don't seem as inclined to believe half of what they read anymore.
  2. Mariota. One hit and the dude would go numb.
  3. Top Secret: SI.
  4. Watch the Original Trilogy, read Zahn's novels, and forget everything else. It's the only way it'll make sense.
  5. You're welcome. Always glad to help out.
  6. Guess I'll renew my sub when that happens.
  7. Said "SJW"s are partly to blame for that shit, though. Having to constantly hear PC bitching, every damn day, has people to the point they don't believe anything that sounds even remotely "NPC". Like crying wolf. It's hurting actual victims.
  8. The animation is good and the music is outstanding. It's comedic, which I'm not a big fan of, but I see what others see in it. Overrated? I don't know about that. Could be said about most super-popular shows...
  9. Counterpart on STARZ • Berlin Station on EPIX • I Am the Night on TNT
  10. Out here asking the tough questions... Hmmm. Guess I'll have to go with my girl Kallen:
  11. I find it interesting so many people who admit to not being involved in the con scene whatsoever, and who don't know any of the people involved, are taking Vic's side. How do they know he's not guilty?
  12. So did mine.
  13. I don't care what time is was. If what is being said about him is true, something should have been done about it years ago. People don't have to wait for something to become fashionable to act...
  14. Having a son who has owned both, and sold his X-Bone, I'd say go with the PS4.
  15. Depends. Have these people come forward now because they're afraid of being called out for saying nothing for so many years? If it was so well-known why was he still being allowed to behave in such a manner?
  16. Smokey and the Bandit (1977) - 5/5. Been years since I watched it, and it's still great.
  17. Just started watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure today. Currently on Episode #06.
  18. Doesn't look like my kind of show, either...
  19. I remember that, too... and wasn't surprised when this thing took off on twitter. Don't know if he's guilty of anything or not, I've never even met or seen the guy, but where there's smoke there's usually fire. Usually...
  20. Oh shit! Thanks. Very late thanks. How long as it been since I've been around here?
  21. That's the way I feel about most anime coming out nowadays. The shows I'm interested are few and far between.
  22. Call me weird, but I won't bookmark any site that doesn't have a little icon thingy. It messes with me.
  23. Red Sparrow 3/5. Why do people like JLaw so much? She's wooden as hell.
  24. Counterpart on STARZ. Best show I've seen in years.
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