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Everything posted by NewBluntsworth

  1. Guglant Moorlesterten
  2. I always put in extra work and effort for no reason at my jobs. It usually leads to good things in some form or another. Very rarely any extra payment from an employer, of course.
  3. As a former alignment neglecter, I once did a 6 hour drive with my previous car and for a little while I thought the road just started getting bumpy, but by the last hour of this trip the car was increasingly wobbling so bad it felt like all the wheels were about to pop off bc it was so out of alignment. I was going like 55 on the interstate bc it was making noises and shaking and like grinding sounds and the idea of pushing 70 just felt like it would destroy the car. Immediately got 4 new tires and an alignment and it was like new.
  4. The troops are not ok
  5. Fry voice: Actually, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7RswZkSrAQE&t=16s
  6. Idk a single thing about Salman Rushdie except the Seinfeld ep, so if I had to guess where this happened I would have said NYC
  7. This is a huge leap from last year's commitment to always wearing a mask anytime in public for the rest of time that was popular with the covid cautious crowd here.
  8. Oh yeah I got one of those, right here https://archive.ph/KUhPc
  9. Oh no, I'm genuinely very curious if anybody else here is still singing the same tune they were this time last year, bc there were quite a few people other than you saying "oh yeah I'm going to wear my mask all the time forever anytime I ever go anywhere" and yet I look around and virtually nobody has worn one all year.
  10. I want to quote the people who last summer were proclaiming that they were inclined to wear a mask in public all the time *forever* but it's a new thread now so I can't. So...anyone still on that train @Top Gun @scoobdog @katt_goddess @1pooh4u @whoever else was like "uh yeah, of course I plan to mask up indefinitely, what's the big deal with wearing a mask in public all the time for the rest of my life?" just wondering.
  11. Not even a chance.
  12. I didn't mean to sound like that was what I was suggesting at all. By some individual exceptions I meant there are some individual general election races and candidates and particularly terrible GOP opponents where I could see voting for a Democrat, but generally no. Primaries only, third party in general, fuck the Democrats, no votes for them.
  13. There's definitely some individual exceptions each election cycle with certain races and good candidates and especially evil opponents and what have you, but generally that's the only voting for Democrats I'll support, is in primaries. That's totally practical, nothing wrong with that.
  14. What am I doing? Using the correct word to describe the American empire?
  15. Yep that's America alright,
  16. What is why? The Dems being so fascist themselves that seeing them next to the GOP confuses people into thinking only one is fash, because it's hard for many Americans to accept that America is one big globe-spanning fascist empire? I can understand that.
  17. When I try to drown my thoughts in gin I find my worst ideas know how to swim
  18. Hmm well I'd ask how "we" the peons are going to do this while simultaneously voting for them nonstop? Bc that part still doesn't make any sense to me. I've been hearing that meaningless phrase for years now about "holding them accountable" and it never materializes into anything as far as I can tell except more of this: Dems are capitalist imperialist police state fash themselves, they are two sides of the same awful coin that must be destroyed. I don't see any value in voting for Democrats and perpetuating this broken system where they never do anything to help the people who vote for them, all they do is play their role in helping along big American fascist imperialist project of global domination.
  19. Awful this has happened to keffals twice, the high price for owning so many right-wing freaks online.
  20. Puth Samaramas
  21. Blandon Piller
  22. Madio Upwintoden
  23. Nelphi Gribbates
  24. Gluprance Mobeggido
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