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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Bish, it's 47 degrees now and it was 52 earlier.
  2. Chu gotta contribute too mang! I literally get money from the government.
  3. How long you think we gotta wait for this technology?
  4. It will definitely help with sales, but I wonder if introduce to the mass public if there will be a thing of drone traffic clogging up the airspace above us. Also privacy issues.
  5. You'd be surprised at my punny sense of humor....
  6. I LOVE a good pun.
  7. Thorny ass bitches
  8. This is what I need to be to survive!
  9. Opinions are just that, they don't go into mah belly.
  10. But not really cause I poor. >__>
  11. What platforms are available to you?
  12. They could call my husbando trash for all I care, that shit is hilarious!XD
  13. *slams fist on the table* dammit somebody jump on these amazing ideas! I will make it rain in funding!
  14. That's a pretty popular one. I guess after going to cons for a literal 10 years, I'm not that expectant of costumes, but still like to dress up. I do like the creative ideas though like this one...
  15. Things that are dying but ain't yet dead?.....my threads?
  16. Worst years of high school. lol But woke up so early, saw Full Metal Alchemist at 5am.
  17. I'm really excited for this. I like this. But I'm also thinking of Goldar, and how much he would have hated CGI Thanos, he hated anything over CGI'd. lol
  18. Seems like every normal weeb to me.
  19. Why the hell aren't we working on that technology! It's too cold for me to get booze and food in this weather. inb4everyotherpersonontheseboardssayingIdon'tknownothingaboutcoldweather&I'maweakcomplainingCalifornian.
  20. OMG I was just thinking I've never been close to tripping out so bad I wanted to do anything like that! Seemed like her self esteem shot waaaaay through the roof because she thought " only god was talking to her and to be hero she had to do that". Like dam chill girl.
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