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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. This goes against my feminist bones, can't we hate her for like the private prison slaverly?
  2. lol no, the least is 8 years. I had that job at 19 and I'm 27.
  3. I know of two with him. Wouldn't be surprised if there were more. I don't understand how right wingers will blame Hillary for her Husbands cheating and say she is bad for that, but yet still defend Trump.
  4. It's also like we get a little Bill Clinton too except now we multiple women coming forward now. Geez there are so many cases.
  5. It's all we can do for the moment, I mean every new lawsuit, and now one of his lawyers quit does make me laugh a little in the morning. OOoo also Martin Skreli got arrested.
  6. Well if ya know your history...
  7. I mean our prez is messing up so much, has so much legal cases, except we get to live the more ridiculous version of it. Which is kinda funny.
  8. okays I'm eating baked cheetos anyway. ha ha
  9. Then I would have gone full lifeguard mode! Performed the Hiemlich or something.
  10. I mean, I got nothing against it. I'm just a semi health nut., I think it's good to take care of one's self, and I over worry about others health.
  11. Nah I'm not one of the nice ones. They are rarer then people realized, I'm chill until I believe a person argues something against some social justice shit, or when things get political, I let passion get the better side of me. I think the ha has were mostly like the first two to three years posting. I did open my account in 2009. >__>
  12. Well I knew he'd survive. >__> He also does a lot of those hoogey pun jokes, or bilingual ones and sometimes when I start laughing I keep going. <__<
  13. Heart Disease is the number one killer in America....ha ha? 'ol
  14. I'm glad this is the consensus, the internet leaves a billion tons of room for things to be misinterpreted.
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