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Everything posted by granzchesta

  1. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 2 That was such a cute and funny episode! I really can't wait for more!
  2. I guess playing tap tap games makes me a pedo now. I can't wait to go to jail.
  3. At least you left out the harem accusation this time.
  4. Actually, Love on Ice was originally a book, written about a year before YOI was even known to the public. Hallmark just happened to have pretty bad timing even the YOI writer stated she doesn't want people harassing the author for "plagiarism". Doesn't really make it that much better, but at least it's not trying to copy.
  5. Kuzu no Honkai 1 Real conflicting feelings about this one but I'll keep going. Even if it might end in heartbreak.
  6. Gabriel Dropout 2. That scene at the cafeteria was hilarious! YowaPeda S3. They're acting like Makishima died. I'm happy for Teshima! Little Witch Academia 2 I love the ED!!!! And I still love Diana as much as before.
  7. Gabriel Dropout 1 Well this was wholesome for about 3 minutes. Oh well!
  8. March Comes in Like a Lion 13 Yowamushi Pedal S3 1 (is it required to watch the movie before starting this? Minami Kamakura Cycling Club 2 Interviews with Monster Girls 2
  9. Finally got to sit down and watch Little Witch Academia 1 Kind of bummed that I'd have to wait a while for it on Netflix but I have no patience to wait so, here we are. Worth it.
  10. There's quite a lot to look forward to! My favorite thing about the series is how they develop each character.
  11. This is so cringey. Awful lot of weird fetishes.
  12. One of my favorites! I hope you enjoy it. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu S2 2
  13. I actually meant to talk about how I saw Princess Mononoke in theaters for the first time on Monday. At the start time, the audio for the short had started playing but there was no picture at all. Eventually the video player crashed and they tried to get it back up and running. We ended up with an interview with Shirley Jones for the movie Carousel until the staff had to fix it again. 30 minutes later, Princess Mononoke finally started working and we all enjoyed the film. Unfortunately that extra 30 minutes we had to wait made the movie seem a lot longer than it should but I'm glad I got to see it anyway. We got free admission tickets for another time to make up for the inconvenience.
  14. The first episode was interesting enough, though not anything exciting. I dropped it not even 5 minutes into the second episode. I don't normally mind the helpless ditzy characters but it was kind of annoying to watch this time around. Panty shots didn't exactly help that much either but what can you do?
  15. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 1. This was much funnier than I anticipated Dropped Masamune-kun's Revenge. Not even Saori Hayami can save this one.
  16. JESUS that's nuts. Maybe I'll pass on this one.
  17. Ok I'll bite. what's the problem with this one? I don't know much about it but I'm considering watching it.
  18. The anime was what got me to read the manga actually. As unique as the rotoscoping was, I felt the slow pacing and the soundtrack really fit the tone for the plot. It's too bad we won't see a second season ever because of these I'm sure not many people would mind. As for the Eva dub. Double the eyeroll. I personally like it.
  19. I've yet to watch Haibane Renmei but I'm surprised to see it on there. Honestly surprised I didn't see Aku no Hana on this list. And I loved it.
  20. ACCA 1 I love the character designs! That and the OP gave me Persona 3 vibes but the rest of the show definitely didn't carry that. So far, I am impressed.
  21. Interviews with Monster Girls 1 Much better than I anticipated! Sangatsu no Lion 12 I'm not really digging the new OP although the visuals are nice. The ED is ok. I liked Bump of Chicken though. Anyway, words can't express how much I love this family.
  22. Stage plays are meant for the fans, so I'm sure it'll do just fine if the fanbase likes it for more than the booty. Not that I know anything about this series either, but that's just my opinion.
  23. Seiren 1 Only complaint is that the girls look too similar. It'll take a while to tell them apart. Minami Kamakura High Girls Cycling Club 1 Exactly what I expected. I love the painted ocean backgrounds!
  24. I think it's always had a fansub actually. But this has been a good reminder for me to catch up on it.
  25. This has been out for a while. Why is it suddenly surfacing everywhere?
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