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Everything posted by granzchesta

  1. The same for me. As soon as that scene started, I was like "No no no no please tell me everything before this moment actually happened!" Until that moment, I felt that this was such a perfect episode and a great way to gain closure for Yakumo. I especially felt ecstatic when he began to chuckle during the radio program. What a nice touch! But if what seems to be happening is true, I'm glad that it's like this at least. It was a long time coming. I might have to bump this back up to number one.
  2. I'm kind of bored and have been mulling about this idea for a while. Plus, I thought I'd just post it here rather than make a new thread. I remember when we'd do the occasional mid-season ratings/rankings in the old forum. I thought it'd be nice to do it here (even if we're closer to the end of the season than anything) but hey! I can just do this myself if no one else is interested. I'll be sure to update this again when the season ends. For me, personally, I'd rank everything I'm watching as such: 1. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 2. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu S2 3. ACCA 4. Little Witch Academia 5. March Comes in Like a Lion 6. Kuzu no Honkai (by no means is this highly rated imo, but it's certainly held my interest every week to make me want to see what happens next) 7.Minami Kamamura Cycling Club 8. Gabriel Dropout 9. Demi-chan 10. Yowapeda S3 11. Seiren Dragon Maid and Rakugo are most likely to swap depending on the outcome of both. Maybe ACCA as well, but I feel like it'll stay in its #3 ranking. I really wish LWA were actually simulcast than being delayed on Netflix but I'm sure it'll gain a wider audience when that time comes. Kuzu no Honkai is a roller coaster and lately there have been things about it I've really liked and things about it I've really hated. Minami Kamakura is a surprise for me. I tend to zone out during the cycling and racing terms since I already know them, but it's much more enjoyable when they're visiting different places and just having fun! Gabriel Dropout was at least in the top 5 in the beginning but my enjoyment has waned since then. It's really nothing special. Demi-chan is just ok. The characters don't really appeal to me that much, except for best girl Yuki. But it's still enough to give me some enjoyment on a weekend. I zone out a lot during Yowapeda for someone who was really into the first season. Seiren is hot garbage and I'm kind of hate watching it but it has its moments. The whole first arc with that one girl was awful. Second arc was better. Third arc? We'll see.
  3. What I heard was "I hate change" It's honestly not bad at all. The character designs are an improvement from the hideous, though familiar, designs from previous seasons.
  4. I've read a little bit of the manga but I'm pretty bad with keeping up with manga as it is. I'm really looking forward to a 2 cours anime. The OVA has displayed wonderful animation and sound and I really hope for that to carry over to the anime.
  5. The second episode of the prequel OVA was just released too
  6. I miss getting week long breaks The Ancient Magus Bride OVA 2
  7. 9 was a lot better. As much as I've disliked Ebato, I feel that was pretty good closure for her. Man, I wanna punch Mugi and Akane though
  8. that's about as much as i watched in my rewatch. I'm slacking. Kuzu no Konkai 8-9
  9. He had Charmander though. Not Pikachu.
  10. This post made me excited to watch the episode and it did not disappoint! Also just came back from seeing Logan. That was some heavy shit.
  11. That's.... Interesting I guess I won't worry about canon with this movie. Not that I really care much at this point.
  12. If it's got some added footage I'll definitely try to watch it. But if it's just retelling the first couple of episodes with nothing new and exciting, I'll pass. Seems like it'll be the former though
  13. Are you waiting on a particular subgroup or something? The one I use always has the episode up the same day. Speaking of, time to watch the new one!
  14. How on earth do you jump to that conclusion? They look nothing alike. Anyway. Finally catching up on LWA. One more episode to knock out and then a new one tomorrow!
  15. It kinda threw me off that they even mentioned her home state. Usually it's just "America" or some landmark city like NYC or LA. It was nice to see that too.
  16. Minami Kamakura Cycling Club 9
  17. CR subscription Overpriced plastic of my waifus and husbandos The occasional bluray or manga
  18. I'm doing the same thing myself. The problem is that I'm 4 weeks behind on it. A combination of not being simulcast anywhere + watching it with my boyfriend who would rather play video games in his free time. Sigh. I used to have no problem with downloading or streaming anime but since I got CR, it's become less of a priority when I can watch it on the TV through the ps4. Also watched Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 8. Elma is a nice addition to the dragon family. I love that she's an office lady and somehow managed to get hired with no knowledge!
  19. Gabriel Dropout 8
  20. Interviews with Monster Girls 8
  21. Seiren 8 That bus driving game really paid off for him.
  22. you'll be missing out on a gem but ok
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