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Everything posted by granzchesta

  1. I hate pretty much everyone in this show now except Hanabi. I hate her to a small extent but I mostly want to protect her at this point.
  2. Rakugo Shinjuu S2 8
  3. I just hope it's better than The Wind Rises
  4. Kuzu no Honkai 6-7 I have gotten to a point where I am more angry with this show than I am intrigued by it. Everyone is terrible.
  5. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 7
  6. Gabriel Dropout 7
  7. Sangatsu no Lion OST 1 was released today. I had no idea Yukari Hashimoto composed it so this is really a lovely surprise. It's pretty good!
  8. I thought the opening did seem different. I really feel like I need to watch that entire episode in season 1 now. Holy crap.
  9. Gabriel Dropout 6 Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 6 YowaPeda S3 6
  10. I haven't seen the new one yet, but I can definitely agree with you for the most part. I actually really liked Gabriel at the very beginning of the series with her angelic side. I would have preferred if they fleshed out her slob personality and built up to it rather than just have a quick change. Honestly, thank goodness for Vigne. I mostly prefer her over anyone else besides Satania. Those two really make the show for me! And the introduction of Tapris last week kind of made the series take a downhill plunge in my eyes. Not a super big fan of her personally. Anyway, that's been on my mind about this show lately. Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels kind of "over" it as well.
  11. Seiren 6 (ew) Attempting to marathon Samurai Jack before the new season airs. It's been a long time since I've watched it and I forgot most of it but the first episode is still as captivating as I remember! Finished the second episode last night.
  12. Caught up on Nyanbo
  13. Interviews with Monster Girls 6
  14. Caught up on March Comes in Like a Lion
  15. Minami Kamakura Cycling Club 4-5
  16. It's kinda nice to watch alongside YowaPeda
  17. Seiren 4 This arc is already way more tolerable
  18. Kuzu no Honkai 4-5
  19. Same. But if you redact it, what's the point in even posting that you watched it? Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 5 ACCA 4-5
  20. YowaPeda S3 5 I love Sugimoto's brother Interviews with Monster Girls 5
  21. Gabriel Dropout 5
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