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  1. I stand by my comment in that diversity and inclusion should be paramount.
  2. Paradoxically, yes. Yes he does.
  3. I am sorry if I opened a wound here. It’s 2008 all over again. Really, I apologize if my lofty wordplay brought any “discord” to the people here. I am fine with reading and occasionally posting 😊
  4. Yes I did, 5 times. I think this should be a monitored site. AND last time I checked, the man doesn’t want me dead, so I’m in good spirits.
  5. Disregard if this works.
  6. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Invincible+omniman+voice+actor+
  7. Here’s me at a board meeting;
  8. Bout time you’re walking like your talking. By the way, your tie doesn’t match your suit, Dude.
  9. Corkboard
  10. TIME. • HP BONUS. • • • PARRY 0 SUPER METER 6/6 SKILL LEVEL 0 Grade: C
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