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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. I hope I don't have to have performance review Cause I don't know how I'm doing ๐Ÿ˜ž
  2. Way ahead of you
  3. Thread wise... ...yet here we are ๐Ÿ‘ฝ
  4. Nerds with their houses and disposable income Losers
  5. Meals on wheels? Man, you weren't kidding when you said you were getting old in that other thread ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  6. Thank you as the new leader ' I'll destroy everything my predecessor put in And really do some good for all of you
  7. Can't see my rank?
  8. But fear not You can trust me in this position And I follow Spider-Man so I know all about power y'all
  9. Nah you have to earn your titles on here
  10. Socially off Someone you would avoid getting into a conversation with
  11. Used to mow her yard To be honest she was weird personality wise and I'd try my best to avoid her I guess one of her cars was missing also and they suspect fowl play
  12. Apparently our neighbor down the street was found dead in her house The cops were there and are investigating it
  13. No we know what's wrong with it just looking too expensive to fix Would need a whole new engine and Smart Car is a Mercedes and they are expensive as hell
  14. Got a car Was a Smart Car It died Have access to a Jeep now
  15. Future looking pretty bleak
  16. A man made out of weed?
  17. Are you sure your the mother?
  18. You died! Try to keep up
  19. You are as dumb as ankylosaurus! But you don't have a sick natural armor or tail! Just da dumdum brain! BUUUUUUUUUURN!
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