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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. I thought always thought you were strange Sorry I don't know why I'm like this with serious stuff
  2. https://handmadeelectronicinstruments.com
  3. Cockadoodaldo
  4. Cause donut places were closed Cinnamon Sugar pizza
  5. I have no memory of this, when did this happen
  6. Don't worry @molarbear one days you hit this thing called puberty and your beard will fill in
  7. Check again
  8. JeNewBee

    What if

    There were no survivors Imagine the last time you thought you almost died You could of We all could have Surprising how many people have near death experiences
  9. I forgot all my alts also might have to remake them think they died with the old boards But they were assholes anyways
  10. JeNewBee

    What if

    We was ghosts the whole time?
  11. I wouldn't eat it if I were you
  12. Daphaq you call me?
  13. Y'all got jobs! 😮
  14. Check ID and is the mustache real? Sounds like a trap As in someone is trying to get you in trouble with the law
  15. They drink your blood to stay alive If you drank theirs it would kill them if your drank too much to little they became a thrall. Which yeah do your bidding but kind of get gross
  16. Blood of Dracula Pros Live forever Vampire shenanigans The night life Powers Cons Hated Vampire Hunters The Blood of Christ Pros Live forever in the eternal kingdom of heaven Heaven sounds pretty nice Cons Pretty sure this is actually wine Don't really trust the guy liquoring me up Can't get to heaven till I die And once again don't really trust the guy that is trying to get me drunk(so not to sure this heaven is real) Also before anyone brings it up I know they are both fictional characters Just debating which would be better
  17. But it's a real thing!
  18. That is usually how people describe me
  19. But imagine how baller it would to pay people with two dollar bills I mean they would get so excited when they see the 2 on the bill then slightly disappointed when they realize it isn't a twenty and realize hey it's better than a dollar You could be responsible for that rollercoaster of emotions
  20. But they weren't two dollar bills though
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