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bipolar bear cub

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Everything posted by bipolar bear cub

  1. In defense of nipples: One would hope that nipples don't count as they generally are not explicit, versus penises/vaginas/assholes being in the explicit zone. Of course unless the nipples are apart of an explicitly pornographic scene then I suppose it could be against the rule. Although I feel like nipples can be shown in non-explicit ways.
  2. I'll put them on my list uwu and this and i'll look into the Nakamura manga(s)
  3. pls dont attract attention from the overlord
  4. Bonus for those you make from scratch, I'm in a soupy mood.
  5. i do love some gag comedy though, especially with dark surreal elements
  6. Looking for that back and for of feel good feel bad, based in reality but with a touch of surreal. Slice of life with a touch of dark/psychological thrill and philosophical elements.
  7. Well at least i'll be more prepared going into second season, i really wasnt prepared for the first at all
  8. the closest ive gotten to desert is getting high in east texas between the desert area and the bayouish areas. have you successfully grown a plant or garden?
  9. yes, but only on a technicality that i was testing it when I was younger to see if it was viable to actually slip on a banana peel. I did indeed slip but was able to catch my fall. After you ever been apart of a cult of secret society?
  10. only when im being observed
  11. *picks up phone* Hello, toonami?
  12. Love the sullen enthusiasm y'all 😎
  13. (ꃋิꎴꃋิ)
  14. lock thread at 40 people pls admons
  15. et tu caute?
  16. i eated two of your crunch berries in your face, have you forsaken me?
  17. lies and slander
  18. i eat Bavarian mustard by the spoonful
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