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bipolar bear cub

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Everything posted by bipolar bear cub

  1. Also thanks everyone for the well wishes<3
  2. annie is reda and im bluda
  3. and my moustache is barely grown in
  4. share some gluten free cake with me plz ❤️
  5. One of us always tells the truth and one of us always lies 🤠
  6. That shit is fucking based/relatable You out here making a whole sexy clown out of yourself over a chick/mens/nonbinaries that may or may not give af about you? Sell that bullshit. This message is for whoever tf needs it
  7. ruff ruff!
  8. go take a nap at someone's feet and try again sweety
  9. Kids who talk too much be like: "My daddy sniff the table and yell "WOO" after"
  10. gasp owo
  11. Muwuuuuuuu
  12. Narakuwu4556
  13. neither, i'll stick to my street fighting guerilla tactics
  14. uwu
  15. get gud scrub
  16. we pee-long together
  17. I do what I can
  18. try harder
  19. im glad to see digestive health on point bby
  20. blessed be
  21. suddenly i dont know how to read
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