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Everything posted by scope

  1. scope


    I got a more better pic of me than he do.
  2. scope


  3. GGG isn't going to move up to light heavyweight so that fight's not likely to happen. Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman are bums, rather see Spence vs Crawford
  4. Then do Gintama bro
  5. Yeah and especially not when it's Max Kellerman. Actually, don't let Max Kellerman interview anyone ever.
  6. I feel like this has been the story with them every season since Jason Kidd retired.
  7. C'mon
  8. Ernest goes to camp
  9. Juice
  10. I can tell you're not married if you think husbands fuck their wives.
  11. What's vinyl? Like an ipod made of leather?
  12. Plays tic tac toe by himself.
  13. Unlike KD the only personal foul you get charged with in OKC is sexual harassment.
  14. I want my rank to be "Legend of the Galactic Hero"
  15. I did that once when I was like 13 and split my head open, still have the scar. No idea why I was so excited I needed to jump but given my age I'm guessing it was some dumb reason like "a girl said hi to me"
  16. Sesame Street has better writing than The Walking Dead
  17. Step One: Tell her you don't like crust on your sandwiches. Step Two: Brag about getting a GED
  18. Haibane Renmei on a worst anime list? What a joke....don't quit your day job.
  19. And stop hiding the pigeon.
  20. Gigguk's "reviews" are almost always satire.
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