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Everything posted by scope

  1. I was in all the normal classes up until high school and then they put me in the slow classes because I didn't give an eff about nothin
  2. I think Ben is in a state of permanent triggered. He logs in triggered about arguments that happened a month ago.
  3. Saw that one coming.
  4. Misato
  5. I'm not Goth at all but I already do those things you said.
  6. What's the square root of Zimbabwe?
  7. Oh I would have been around 7 or 8 then....but I feel like it was still popular by the time I was 11...kids were crazy about that show but I couldn't get into all that live action jumping around...guess I was always more of a cartoon fan.
  8. I don't remember exactly how old I was when it came out but I was still in grammar school and most kids my age loved it so I'm pretty sure I fit the demographic.
  9. I hated the Power Rangers tbh....even as a 10-12 year old I found it to be cringe worthy level cheesy
  10. I think you mean perfect logic
  11. Mine goes like "ring ring ring" like one of those....what do you call it....telephones.
  12. Zeni because he has a picture of him hanging out with those movie guys and they're laughing and having a good time and movie guys get laid a lot so if those are his friends he will too.
  13. This thread has been moved to Dumpster Genitals
  14. Next time on Dragon Ball Zeni...Is He a Sperm Donor!? Muggsy Bogues jealous of D Rose!!
  15. You will need to be Stretch Armstrong
  16. GAP shirt kid is a great friend
  17. It displays the letters and numbers you press
  18. scope

    Hidden be like

    What planet is Bruno Mars from?
  19. scope

    Hidden be like

    Is that a real picture of her?
  20. Yeah Hernangomez and Kuzminkis played well last night, the Knicks have a bright future of a bunch of names no one can spell or say.
  21. LOL Beetlejuice is a gangster tho
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