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Everything posted by scope

  1. It matters just as much as it ever did.
  2. scope


    I like them a lot....even tho they stole the riff for Hello, I Love You from the Kinks
  3. I'm not much of a gamer these days but the only time I watch anime illegally is when it's not available on sites like crunchyroll.....and for music I just listen to commercial free radio....used to pirate lots of music.
  4. Same as you, I used to pirate lots of shit but no longer feel the need to....there's enough legal avenues for entertainment these days.
  5. Don't kill yourself, pussy
  6. I suck at bowling but it's okay because it's not a real sport.
  7. I don't...
  8. I don't lol
  9. So you don't think having a coach with the personality of a wet sock and a self absorbed pretty boy qb combined with the fact they have been caught cheating multiple times will win the pats any new fans?
  10. lol he's asking you to speak proper English I think.
  11. Please don't aspire to make more humans, we have a lot of them already and they're all pretty terrible.
  12. Smile Sessions ftw
  13. I can picture you proof reading this like "yeah this totally sounds like natural human interaction"
  14. Most of my favorite shonen have a slow start and build up to better episodes.....Gintama, HxH, FMA Brotherhood. I guess I can understand not getting into it on Toonami with just one episode a week but that's why I prefer to marathon anime. A slow pace isn't a valid criticism of a show, bad pacing is uneven pacing and with all the shonen out there with uneven pacing riddled with filler and dips in animation quality I find it bizarre to see people complaining about Hunter x Hunter so much on this site. There are plenty of terrific shows out there that are slow burners like Mushishi and Moribito that seem to get overlooked by some and I can only see it as a product of a "instant gratifcation" mindset
  15. Much more worried about you than I am about Zeni. Also I find it sad youtube is so strict about bullshit copyright yet they're perfectly happy to leave up videos of a spree killer archiving his slow descent into madness
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