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Everything posted by scope

  1. Yay we beat Brooklyn *weak fist pump and sigh*
  2. Yeah there was definitely some profanity involved and Rage Against the Machine.
  3. Kitch me outside, hobo dead
  4. No way bro....I'm a high class whore.
  5. Catch my sifulus outside
  6. Looks like Haikyuu!! with more boobs
  7. Slap yourself in the face....I've had to before when driving long distances.
  8. Fuck dubs....the humor rarely translates well.
  9. I find mini golf relaxing.....unless the course has bees
  10. Cute kid, can she play mini golf? I'm not being facetious just curious because a lot of kids don't have the patience to play correctly.
  11. You jack off to furry porn
  12. Says Hunter x Hunter is a kids show....watches Thundercats
  13. That's crazy, water is the best drink available on Earth
  14. They were terrorists as hard as they could.
  15. 2pac
  16. Mushishi and Mushishi
  17. I liked them back when Goldeneye was fresh, now most of the FPS games I've seen seem repetitive and boring.
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