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Everything posted by scope

  1. Yeah he seems to be gunning for welter, I know he wanted Pac....not sure if it's still the case but there's always plenty opportunities at welterweight....would be fun.
  2. Yeah he could make a catch weight with Crawford too which would be amazing....only problem with that is I think if Crawford is going to move class it's gonna be up....Garcia seems most likely, which I won't deny I'd be excited for.
  3. Oh shit, he's raping men now too.
  4. but love is a murderer
  5. I guess you never really know in boxing but his wins against Russel Jr and Walters convinced me of his skills....like Russel is a world class boxer and maybe the fastest around, his last three fights were knockouts and he dominates most featherweights, but he looked befuddled against Lomachenko.
  6. Monster Musume?
  7. Rigondeaux seems to get the shaft by the boxing spotlight which is a shame because he's so talented. I just think Lomachenko is a notch above everyone right now, he hits really hard to add to his impressive movement and just seems hungry and diligent to his gameplan to barely make mistakes....I think he has that mental fortitude to add to his skills which is the opposite of what I believe we're seeing with Broner....I just don't think Broner is all there mentally and it shows in the ring sometimes, I think it's what ruined Tyson too.
  8. I can't imagine ONLY watching what airs on Toonami because it's basically only one genre but you think having HxH and Jojo's is the worst it's been? I don't think so....and I don't watch Toonami mostly because I'm not into 85% of dubs but I can just look at the lineup and tell there are a few high quality shows.
  9. Would love to see it and got a lot of respect for Garcia now, but Lomachenko is in a different league than most of these guys now idk if Garcia is ready for Lomachenko's speed and footwork, but I like Garcia he's got a great jab and hits hard with both hands, think he could be threatening even at welter.
  10. Stain is an excellent villain.
  11. Credit to Mikey Garcia he was sharp tonight but oh boy Broner was awful, I'd give him maybe 2 rounds and that's being generous, along with the Maidana fight it was the worst loss of his career. On top of that, he was talking like he was a hall of famer afterwards
  12. Weeb I am, but when it comes to attraction I prefer 3d women....ikr it's bizarre.
  13. Juan Manuel Marquez drank his own urine during the training to fight Pacquiao. Was trying to find the video of Pac reacting to it but couldn't find a good one, it's funny as hell tho.
  14. Good luck with that, my fat ass is not doing that shit. Give me a video game and I'll do it and smoke a joint with a side of false sense of accomplishment.
  15. Led Zep always keeps me awake when I'm driving long distances. LCD Soundsystem too.
  16. Boards of Canada's first album is fucking amazing....do the Avalanches fall in this category?
  17. I don't understand why this is a problem...
  18. Best. Anime. Ever.
  19. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone, part of the reason I still post here.
  20. The last episode of season 4 was so sad =( Steven goes to jail and next season we are going to have a new host, little boy name of Scott Clam. Well, there he is and remember to Check it Out!
  21. Your argument is basically like saying there are good people and bad people....you should know it's not so black and white.
  22. Yeah Maidana was the nail in the coffin, but you're right he's got issues which is a shame cus he's skilled but I think he wants to be Mayweather or something, in his trash talking and his defense there are similarities. I guess you never really know what to expect out of Broner, but that's a reason to watch.
  23. She's basically saying she leaves it to other people to decide....people aren't very good judges of themselves.
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