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  1. I have a humble collection I'll have to sort better sometime, but it's pretty dominated by Junji Ito and Inio Asano.
  2. Feeling pretty optimistic about the Knicks signing Kemba, they haven't had a solid starting PG since....Kidd-Billups.
  3. My neighbor is a beekeeper so I'm a goner.
  4. Based solely on what I know about you from here, your life seems like a stream of Robot Chicken.
  5. Breaking Balls
  6. Id rather watch Satoshi Kon's entire catalogue multiple times than watch any Food Wars. Food Wars sucks a big ol' bag o dicks.
  7. The fact people make analysis videos on topics like this gives me second hand embarrassment.
  8. I finished a bit over half of Somali and the Forest Spirit, I liked it for the most part but it was just a touch heavy on the melodrama for me.
  9. He's supposed to be playing Ogami Itto's son Daigoro, although it's misleading he has the big top knot and robes. Daigoro never dressed like that in the manga he had a much smaller topknot and not nearly as fancy an outfit.
  10. Second Mushishi and Aria since they're pretty much my favorite anime of all time 😄
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