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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. guess what happens, though, guys.
  2. persnally, i feel like ending it after the cell games is the best way to end it. i still can't really buy that he wanted to end it after raditz
  3. everyone can see just ho obviously the series was supposed to end here, right? like they kinda bea us over the head with the concept at this point, yeah? also, though Yamcha's being really pathtic, I'm getting all mushy over how he's known goku the longest here and is cradling his old friend's son in his arms and seeing him off this mortal coil. Poor Kuririn, having his dirty laundry aired out by these thickskulls. insert Drax's eepest darkest secret laugh here.
  4. it's your fight, but you haven't done anything for a while
  5. I'm a littl surprised she isn't talking about how cute they are and how much she enjoys the pain of being bitten. a little late with the save, Sanji
  6. walking forward as death. marvelous
  7. Cell Games made for a perfect series finale wrap-up arc. for all the fun stuff that ame out the of the Buu Saga, thematically, I felt it didn't fit the narrative leading up to it.
  8. Tenshinhan has ALWAYS been a G. I think he and Kuririn have the right to be proud of their strength and their victories, even though the aliens have them outmatched. even at this point in the story, they managed to make a difference on their own terms.
  9. Hey, iccolo, instead of bitching, how about stepping in and lending a hand?
  10. Vegeta apologizing and calling Gohan by name. so touching.
  11. also, i'd forgotten about Gohan's arm being broken. this kid and his left arm.
  12. as much as I love the acting, that "Don't leave us!" left a lot to be desired
  13. i was sitting in my room, talking to myself and thinking about what series I'd like to see aired on Toonami. one of the first that came to mind was Unicorn Re:0096. then, less than an hour later, I go online to see....boom. wish granted. I've seen Unicorn and I loved it, but I haven't seen the re-edits. should be interesting. I didn't want to like Unicorn, but it hooked me in and did not disappoint. Kshatriya is beautiful and the many throwbacks to previous UC series was a real treat.
  14. I love Sonic. He's like Sasuke if Sasuke were more outgoing.
  15. i like this recap a lot. comprehensive
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