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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. the little girls are okay. good. poor old lady was wearing a pink wig. i wondered how her hair stayed so luscious
  2. "Is his Alaya-Vinjana somehow different from mine?" he told you that explicitly, like, four times
  3. It's Garma Zabi all over again. Purple hair and all. i can't believe I didnt' see it sooner.
  4. i only befriended you to get at your sister, bro. sorry
  5. McGillis in a high-spec red mobile suit? who could have guessed this would happen?
  6. oh, i definitely will. this is the week i start and catch up on season 2
  7. does Muda mean useless? i noticed he was quite fond of that word
  8. Speedwagon and Dio talking are the best part of this series, hands down.
  9. everyone keeps watching helplesly as imprtant things hapen in front of them.
  10. i thoight flat top was gonna survive. could swear i recognized him.
  11. all right, we flyin now. dragon ball time
  12. does it matter if a zombie is bitten by venomous snakes?
  13. she drw his blood with a slap? sisters quite fierce
  14. yeah, i thought i saw a dog with a dude's head on it.
  15. the acting fucking MAKES this show. i love it. the dialogue is way more interesting than the action (though the action's nothing to sneeze at)
  16. that isn't what makes this series worthwhile...
  17. i dunno. everyone between Piccolo Jr. and Cell attack specifically because of Goku's presence. th Saiyans came cause he was there. Frieza came as a result of that encounter and the androids/ cell only attacked because of Dr. Gero's grudge. if Goku hadn't been around, these figures would all be evil, but prbably wouldn't have bothered trying to destroy the planet.
  18. Yamcha and Ten should open up a martial arts school together. have Gohan as a guest teacher occasionally.
  19. resident expert? your only girlfriend's son by another man is standing ten feet away from youj, Yamcha
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