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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. is CN not gonna have poemon anymore? it's one of the few respites I have from the onslaught of terrible Teen Titan episodes that air as soon as I wake up in the morning. Pokemon, Gumball, CLarence, and Steven Universe are a blessing when I'm sick of being offended by endless, daily TTG marathons
  2. is that 30 anime minutes?
  3. Nicely deduced, Zoro
  4. Now Oars has Luffy's reflexes. hey, other Straw hats, maybe help Zoro out?
  5. Geezus, Zoro, take down a monster giant by yourself, why doncha?
  6. 108-Caliber Phoenix is what i said when the Cubs won the Series
  7. sharingan-assisted taijutsu, top-level genjutsu and ninjutsu. for quite a while, this fight is amazing.
  8. Sasukey ou don't have the same eyes...
  9. this is all footge from the original anime series, right? like, this is a whole episode made of recycled footage, isnt it?
  10. I wonder what their mother's role in all this was. like, was she a Uchiha cousin by birth who married the main family brnch head? was she fully in line with all her husband's ideas and ideals?
  11. even back during the retrieval arc, i remember feeling like there was a deeper meaning to the things Itachi was saying here. like it wasn't just villain-speak but the frustration of a more sensitive person
  12. that half-mangekyou ended up looking much cooler than Itachi's full mengekyou.
  13. as much as I dislike the place the story has gone, or where it ended up, the Uchiha situation from these flahbacks is pretty interesting
  14. Having seen all of this before, I keep wanting to give up watching this show altogether. and truth be told the story quality has already dropped below the point of no return. but every once in a while, a realy good fight pops up briefly in the ocean of garbage and this is the last good fight for a long, long time
  15. I arrive at the hotel. Hand: Up Nen: Released Wall: Destroyed Security Deposit: Lost I AM FORCIBLY EJECTED FROM THE HOTEL
  16. are your ordinary halways always fullof purple smoke, too?
  17. I really hope Wing isn't a badguy
  18. oh old dude. if you weren't so cocky, i'd believe in you for a minute, but i guess you'l go down in shame like the rest
  19. the intent was focused on Killua. i doubt Gon felt it as intently, if at all
  20. all right, all right. but it's not like Sasuke became the protagonist either
  21. That which is soft becomes hard and you find you are no longer able to correct and incorrect idea
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