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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. i like Wing. after seeing Resurrection F, I wish this is the kind of nerd Gohan had turned out like
  2. with the art upgrae, Killua looks a lot more like a main character than Gon..kinda like how Sasuke did.
  3. a lotta new faces in the OP
  4. 00 did it. personally, i felt like the Kill la Kill mecha crab was a Gundam 00 joke.
  5. Mika's hardcore as fck...Orga's made a deal with the devil, man
  6. gona get slapped for talking back, blondie
  7. this ass. i helped her out and she dares to lose in combat?
  8. that's one hell of a photogenic island...
  9. okay, that was kinda bullshit...
  10. Dio...you can't just bail on the decisive battle. villain failure.
  11. Godspeed, you brave bastard! so Scarlet is stronger than Yellow
  12. "I can read people like a book, but these two are full o' stories Speedwagon don't want to hear, thank you kindly!" glorious
  13. pressing your abs against the limb isn't the same as cutting your guts open.
  14. what about overdrive? distract him and then channel the Hamon through the earth or something?
  15. how does he even know of Hamon? this is a bad scene, man
  16. i've got a bad feeling about this. i like the 'losing the mentor in mid-battle" trop, but i don;t want it to happen right now
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