So it is looking like next weekend, the 24th we are getting back to back episodes of MiA. Looking like we will close out the Toonami block with a power hour of abyssal horrors haha but I am glad because it is easily one of my favorite shows right now with season two currently premiering.
So I made an account here a year or two ago after finding out that ASMB were no more. I was active there mainly between 2005 and 2012. I left after The Boards started to go down hill. I certainly miss the community.
I have not really posted much here at all but lately I have been feeling nostalgic and want to try and reconnect with some of the online communities I used to frequent. Even though I have not been much of a part of UnevenEdge aside from lurking, ASMB and what is left here at UE were my favorite. I would definitely like this community to stick around and will make it a priority to engage and contribute and help in any way I can. I cannot believe that it will be 20 years next year since the beginning. I greatly hope that this place can last even longer!
Sorry to hear this.. I had a similar issue with an external that had a ton of FZ music on it. Just gonna have to start over man. Drives are cheap these days too haha gotta have backups for your backups, redundancy is your friend.
For me it is usually the classics.. Bebop, GitS, Spirited Away, Hellsing, Champloo among others. Really a hard question to answer if you were actually looking for opinions beyond Katanagatari..
I need to watch this. I remember reading about it a few months ago but seem to have forgotten it! Gotta rewatch Inuyasha first though. It used to be one of my faves back in the day but I have not watched in years.
Finally watching season 2 of Fire Force! Gonna binge it the next couple days and then I want to rewatch Outlaw Star or Kill La Kill. Still been wanting to watch Redline too..