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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. I think I just want chicken
  2. Does Colonel Sanders count?
  3. Gonna watch the new episode of Bleach tonight after the World Series.
  4. I feel like frozen time has to have been done, everything has. But I am not sure if Netflix has anything like it yet. I like the idea though, you should write a short story or something!
  5. What about General Tso?
  6. No kids came to get this candy tonight so my ass is going to have to sit here and eat it now..
  7. All I have are a bunch of Twix and Kit Kat Bars. Barely any kids came to my door. I guess because I am the person that lives alone and rarely leaves the house, I probably give off the creepy vibes in the hood.
  8. Yea I tend to find that when I drink on the weekends I cannot stay up as late unless there are large amounts of caffeine involved haha
  9. I was atomicinumatt on ASMB from like 2005 to 2012ish when i left for like a decade and came back here. I never really used many alts.
  10. Eat candy!
  11. Eat lots of candy
  12. Ah, I see. That is what I had read as well, but I could not find any production info on like Wiki etc. during a quick scan so I was not sure what was true. They still did a great job capturing the vibes and motions of the anime IMO though.
  13. I checked out the episode. I usually watch the Tree House of Horrors when they air. I thought the Death Note parody was really good. Some of the scenes like when Light falls backward at the first sight of Ryuk , as well as writing down everyone's names in the book, were done really well and gave me the exact same vibes as the anime. I thought the animation was really good haha I read that the same animation team from Death Note collaborated with this production? I have no sources. If true then that is pretty spectacular though. The ending of the episode was indeed hilarious!
  14. These aren't the alts you're looking for.
  15. Just in my living room watching football with the kitty
  16. We were so preoccupied with whether or not we could make a live action Naruto that we didn't stop to think if we should.
  17. So, 4-5 years ago, before I was able to transition into a long term professional career, I managed at a pizza and sub restaurant. Our lobby and restroom were a little oddly situated though. You see, the main lobby with the counter, kitchen and eating area was inset within an outer lobby that contained the bathrooms. So the bathrooms were beyond a wall and door and it was hard to 'monitor' them. Not that bathrooms should have to be monitored. Our restaurant was also located a block away from a homeless and recovery center (not disparaging the needy, I made friends with many of them and we would always give extra food to them and the shelter), so we would have a lot of their foot traffic coming in the store. It was a daily occurrence for some of them to come into the bathroom and use it to bathe themselves in the sinks and toilets. The ones with addiction issues would go there to get high and we would find needles, stems, etc. everywhere in there. Every couple weeks someone would go in there and play with their feces, smearing it all over the walls. God I hated whoever that fucker or fuckers was. We never caught the person or persons doing it but when it happened, I always felt too bad to let one of the kids go and clean it up, so I always got stuck with it. There was another time where this very large woman barricaded herself in the ladies room and overdosed. She was not breathing and basically dying. I was the one who had to go in there and get her off the toilet while on the phone with 911 while the rest of my staff just watched me. Luckily the paramedics showed up and were able to giver her Narcan. Literally 20 seconds after giving her the Narcan she shot up with eyes wide opening asking where her stash was haha. Believe it or not, that is not even close to the craziest thing that has happened at that place while I was there but looking back, God I hated that place. Your bathroom story reminded me of my bathroom story so I felt compelled to share haha rant over!
  18. I have watch the first couple of the subs and thought that they were pretty good.
  19. Well that concludes the Halloween marathons. I am about to hit the sack and die on the sofa haha I hope you beautiful people have a good night!
  20. Haha I do not have an Ipad but I have used it on my Wacom and it looks good on that. You should just be able to use Mangadex in Safari.
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