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Everything posted by matrixman124

  1. Looks like Twitter is actively flagging NSFW content and keeping it off the For You feed. Lots of artists and SWers are talking about jumping ship a la Tumblr.
  2. Menendez and his wife are now being charged as being foreign agents for funneling a lot of money to the Egyptian government. Woops.
  3. He's American but he's also a joke
  4. Oh no https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4251265-young-turks-host-cenk-uygur-announces-primary-bid-against-biden/
  5. It's funny but ironically it's not AI and neural nets but dependence on automation created my machine learning that is currently taking over. Pretty mundane but not super surprising with late stage capitalism being the way it is.
  6. I can guarantee you that Israel forcibly taking the Gaza Strip is not going to fix anything.
  7. He's sounding like Kim Jong Un. Kind of a step down
  8. My point is AI is making it easier to put that stuff together faster. No MS paint or Photoshop required
  9. Right but its because Microsoft didn't bother to consider the fucked up shit people would do with their bot
  10. Let's just put it this way: the wider implications are disturbing. You can AI generate Mickey Mouse flying a plane into the Twin Towers right now. On Bing.
  11. I did a thread about AI art in the arts discussion area but I think we're finally at a point where we can have a thread about the fucked up shit that is happening with prompt generated content because it is now actively being used by 4channers to spread hate. Joy! https://www.404media.co/4chan-uses-bing-to-flood-the-internet-with-racist-images/
  12. Elon: "we don't need headlines for links" Twitter:
  13. Why would any Republicans vote for him at this point
  14. So if the speaker needs 218 votes, the new speaker would basically need all of the Democrats and some not as far right Republicans OR all the Republican votes. We're probably going to get a GOP approved shill who is going to promise Gaetz and his faction favors/appointments to secure the vote. There's no way the GOP would risk losing the House Speakership and no Republicans would defect since it would be political suicide.
  15. Considering Feinstein was 90, I would say 85 would be a good start for a cutoff on the federal level. Hell that's generous considering Pelosi is 83
  16. Trump is abhorrent for other reasons aside from his age
  17. Term limits across all 3 branches of government. That is all.
  18. That being said Jersey City has come a long ways
  19. Shut up Pat we have a lot of loopy Republicans here plus Trump has his golf course here. We can't help the high loonie presence!
  20. https://apnews.com/article/senator-menendez-indicted-729db45fcf21c42ba707c9d0139349e9 The state of NY is indicting Menendez for bribery. He took all the bribes! He has literal gold bar bribes with DNA and serial numbers pointing to him!
  21. So Twitter is updating its Terms of Service next week. Take a look at this. It indicates they can use all of our Twitter content (this seems to also include DMs) as content for sale and for AI training. 😬
  22. She and MTG are the faces of the Trump alt right. I'm impressed you can steer clear considering how much conservative news outlets love them
  23. A lot of people hate the government
  24. Matt Furlough
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