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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I didn't know it was National Pizza Day, and I still bought Domino's for dinner. Pretty cool!
  2. I just purchased a pack of Foothill Brewing Company's Carolina Blonde Cream Ale. It's not the worst because it tastes bad. It's not because it has a funky smell. It's because every time I open the fucking bottles, half of the goddamn beer is made of fizz, and it flows from the bottle even when I leave it sitting for 10 minutes just to ensure I'm not causing it to do so. Worst investment of $10.00 I have EVER made, and this is coming from a guy who has tasted Camo Genuine Ale. At least THAT did what it was supposed to do, which is give me a buzz. I would be better off drinking a six pack of Odoul's instead of this!
  3. At least we're not Venezuela. ....Yet.
  4. "Should I tip them?" You're the only person I've heard ask that question. Ever. I'm not joking. Most people just don't say anything and leave.
  5. I'm usually too busy to get caught in other people's bullshit. Thank goodness for that, right?
  6. Well....that's a fucking sad way to end my Toonami night. But my body's tired, and so is my brain. Night folks.
  7. He just killed his would-be girlfriend. And he didn't know.
  8. And she doesn't know Jim is a crew member of the Outlaw Star. This is SO SAD!
  9. This episode is going to have a sad ending, isn't it? Please don't.
  10. LOL, that look on Gene's face once Jim asked that question.
  11. I'm going to be like Gene Starwind tomorrow.
  12. I expect this episode to end in a way that will make me sob, by the way.
  13. This is what's going on with my person right now: Body: "Hey Brain." Brain: "....Yeah?" Body: "Bro. You're drunk. Let's go to bed." Brain: "But Outlaw Star..." Body: "Bed. Now." Brain: "13 more minutes." Body: "....*Sigh.*"
  14. MOCHI! The theme for tonight is apparently cats!
  15. Yep. It's going to be one of those episodes.
  16. Is this going to be a "disgruntled buddies" episode?
  17. Last show of the night for me. Glad I'm finally caught up after missing the previous two episodes.
  18. Sasuke's getting his ass kicked by a giant cat, and Sakura has been somewhat competent this episode. Is this real, or are the four whiskey sours I drank tonight beginning to catch up to me?
  20. Okay, just caught up with Outlaw Star's episode. Now I tune in to see Sakura talking with a cat person. Why do I always walk in to the weirdest shit for this show?
  21. The last time I commented on a Naruto thread, the village was either hunting Naruto down with tranquilizers or fighting zoo animals. I'm being fucking serious.
  22. Well fuck me, this guy just fucking did. Damn it. He seems to have developed Nen abilities.
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