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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Creeping around women.
  2. I eat hamburgers plain. Don't judge me.
  3. I played them all the time when I was in college. Especially Dungeons & Dragons. Now when I want to play board games, nobody else is available. So I kind of just stopped.
  4. Turnips, probably. They just taste bland.
  5. HXH got pushed to 1:30 AM, huh? Shit.
  6. And I'm gonna' fool my room mate into eating it. It tastes really good, but I'm curious to know how he'll react when he realizes it isn't pork.
  7. Gonna' be honest here, the unseasoned pork looked more appetizing.
  8. I'm okay with unseasoned pork. I know the replies are being done to take jabs at Packard, but...is there really anything wrong with pure meat on its own?
  9. This can't be a premiere for Season 4. It just can't.
  10. It's not over!
  11. Lol. Is this really happening?
  12. So they aired Jojo AND Hunter X Hunter later? I don't understand why Mind Game even needed to be aired. Ugh. That's two episodes I won't get to see from either series.
  13. I tuned out, so I've no idea what happened, or what the episode was even about. Also, apparently the rest of the block is going to be a movie. I'm out guys. Later. Btw, the movie itself is fucked up. I've already seen it, so I am not missing anything. But I'd stick around if it was my first time watching it.
  14. If they do that, I'll just go to bed early. This is neat and all, but it's becoming hard for it to grab my attention.
  15. Even the Adult Swim logo is in Japanese. ....HahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  16. I'm expecting something serious to happen in this episode. So far, Mariah has only been a nuisance to Joseph and Avdol, and not much of a threat, aside from the escalator incident.
  17. I guess they're gonna' spend some more time in the dungeon after all.
  18. "Back, meet sword. Sword, meet back."
  19. NEVER MIND. He's malicious to some degree.
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