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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Currently a stalemate. SSJ2 matches the strength of the Demon King, apparently.
  2. The question is, can Mr. Satan pony up 10 million for 18?
  3. Okay, so no more dumb Goten and Trunks antics? Sounds good.
  4. Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, and Master Roshi. Almost the entire gang is there.
  5. LOL, Krillin's a cop now. Why do I find this amusing?
  6. Jaco's mind is about to be fucking blown in 1....2....
  7. Love knows no boundaries! Human, Saiyan, Klingon....it doesn't matter.
  8. Jet Jaguar is actually quite awesome. This guy doesn't have a theme song. JJ does.
  9. They've also been called the "Friezas." Uncreative, I know.
  10. Smooth recovery from Whis.
  11. So Frieza was aware of Majin Buu's existence. I think that's a bit weird, but I suppose it makes sense since Frieza is an intergalactic conqueror.
  12. I forgot that King Cold existed. He wasn't important at all, I guess.
  13. Missed last week's episode due to knee cap surgery, but I'm here this time. And from what I understand, Frieza has returned.
  14. Kind of embarrassed to say that I was unaware the first season played on Toonami.
  15. After watching a recording of the episode, I have to agree that the ending could have been thought out better. But I still think it's an acceptable one. Glad to see the series receive an ending. Genndy deserved an opportunity to finish his story, and he did so appropriately.
  16. Too bad we won't see the aftermath of that attack until June.
  17. Epic fight inbound, but it sounds like the episode is about to end... Spoke too soon.
  18. Chrollo has entered the building. Conflict inevitable.
  19. Killua's family is more interesting than Killua himself. I can at least state that.
  20. Please go away, Gon. Please go away, Killua.
  21. I saw that guy's death coming. Typical modern Togashi "fast one."
  22. It's why I keep using the word "decent." It's passable, but not the best that it could be.
  23. I forgot that this character existed.
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