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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Oh fuck, it's him....
  2. Later! You won't miss anything of importance for the rest of the hour at least.
  3. Annnnnnnd we open with no fucking clue given as to what the fuck is going on. And we won't know why this is, or the cause of it. Like every fucking episode for this piss puddle of a show.
  4. I would not be able to eat two of those things. I can't have my food staring at me while I eat it.
  5. I must admit, I tried hot cola before. It sucked. So I share Jojo's opinion.
  6. I forgot that Outlaw Star is starting up tonight.
  7. How the fuck is this boy talking so clearly with a split tongue?
  8. We need a Stand user with a snake Stand pronto.
  9. The series has gone from fighting homoerotically muscular men to fighting tiny insects. Huge 180.
  10. "I can't believe it!" Your stand is a flaming bird, and you think a fast-moving insect is unbelievable?
  11. Ohhhhh yeah, I forgot that this is where they left us hanging in the previous episode.
  12. Lol, and many years later we know now that Piccolo isn't anywhere near invincible. Still badass, but not invincible.
  13. Damn, I'm surprised I remembered that.
  14. The Dragon Balls go their separate ways once Shenron departs. They're the same Dragon Balls, they just end up in different places.
  15. I guess Yamcha forgot how to fly! (Did he know how to fly? It's been so long that I can't remember if he ever did.)
  16. I remember hearing about this somewhere before Super was even a thing.
  17. Master Roshi: So strong he can survive getting hit by 18, even if he leaves a cartoonish imprint on a ship's metal hull.
  18. Lmfao, that's actually a good point. Can't die if you're already dead.
  19. IIRC, someone mishears the word as "fuschia" when the concept is first brought up.
  20. Alright, this time for a show with an actual episode.
  21. Yeah, it MUST be hell to animate episodes week after week. Animators really need to love their jobs to put up with that kind of shit. Same for mangakas.
  22. Recap episodes: An excuse to pad out a series with information that your regular audience already knows about. Also because animators need their breaks.
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