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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. A cheater, AND a thief...
  2. I guess the guy with the erect nipples isn't as special as Beerus says he is. He's hesitant to put him in the ring.
  3. AND VEGETA HITS A HOME RUN! Yankees win! Yankees win!
  4. Vegeta, threatening the ref.
  6. So, can Vegeta please kick this phony's ass once and for all?
  7. I have three questions: 1. Did it have tusks? 2. Does it breathe fire? 3. Did it fly at any point?
  8. I just saw an image of someone dressed up as a Marlboro Cigarette pack, and another where someone dressed up as a bottle of Jack Daniel's. Makes me wonder if these are last-minute decisions from adults who can't choose immediately, or if someone literally woke up one day and thought "Hmm....I think I want to be a drug for Halloween."
  9. I can buy them at a gas station for much less than that. Jesus.
  10. Gyaos

    Tacos or Pizza

    Pizza. Tacos tend to give me mad heart burn.
  11. The first page had me laughing up a storm, and by the third page I was laughing to the point of fucking tears. I love ya'll. As for the Christmas lights, I knew a guy who had them up in his garage, but it was more of a hangout than a garage anyway. But I think it's odd decor for a bedroom. I think it's more odd that the lady seems to have a picture of herself posted on the wall (assuming that it IS actually herself).
  12. New drinking game: Every time "Ktaro Ktaro" is mentioned, take a shot.
  13. Big eater. I had a feeling that she'd be the type to win over with food.
  14. Funny how they were just running away a moment ago. Now they're chatting like nothing happened.
  15. Melfina is such a sweetheart.
  16. No moon = no transformation. I got excited for a bit there...
  17. SO BLUNT! "Hilda's dead. I guess that's everything then."
  18. "Hey, does this thing even feel?" Annnnnd he hurts her feelings. Of course.
  19. Trying to bleed freebies out of them. Not very Outlaw-like, lmfao.
  20. YEAH! Space cat back story!
  21. Yeah, you're right. I keep thinking seasons typically conclude around 24 episodes for whatever reason.
  22. Wow. So he was actually apprehended. I'm interested to know how the last 12 episodes go for this series.
  23. Jesus, dude needs some therapeutic help. Veins are bulging everywhere on his face.
  24. Well, it looks like Nix is still pissed off after what happened in the last episode.
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