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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. We went from rape ape, to creepy doll, to flesh-eating slime man. What's next?
  2. I wonder if this is the result of a Stand, or if he's naturally this fucking mad and has been hiding it this entire time.
  3. He just ate those fucking beetles, didn't he? YEP.
  4. Holy shit, he's actually killing this dude!
  5. Never steal a man's wallet. Much like you should never steal a woman's purse.
  6. Now the monster is set free. He is unchained.
  7. Annnnnnnnd Buu displays intelligence.
  8. Buu's visage is actually really badass in that shot.
  9. I don't see why they wouldn't, since satellites and all. I'm assuming it's a cell phone, but that may be extremely generous considering the Buu Saga was produced during 1993-1994.
  11. Honestly, Goku always seemed to be more level headed when he was in his Super Saiyan 3 form.
  12. Pissing off the pink blob was getting hilarious. Why'd it have to stop?
  13. Trunks just went from normal Saiyan form, to normal form, back to Saiyan form. I guess the stress must be getting to him.
  14. I didn't think that was Vegeta's move, but your average DBZ character's desperation attack when shit gets really bad.
  15. Seeing him get manhandled like that was hilarious.
  16. Holy shit, they have dinosaurs as pets!
  17. I guess we get another episode with the robot then. I'm okay with this.
  18. You'd think they would turn Super Saiyan once these fights begin...
  19. Lol, the robot uses onomatopoeia!
  20. HOLY SHIT, he literally put holes in him!
  21. I donated about $500 to the efforts being done in Puerto Rico. Shit's fucking terrible, and I have family there who were surprisingly luckier than everyone else. But their neighbors....not so much.
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