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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. SO many rules for the Dragon Balls at this point that I can't keep track of them anymore.
  2. I think Frost is going to get pounded into the dirt next round. It'll probably end like up similar to what happened with Android 19 except without Frost dying.
  3. Even Champa hates his guts. Wow.
  5. YEP, I had a feeling it would have been too good to be true. I guess it's Vegeta to the rescue for this!
  6. Hoping Piccolo has a badass moment for once. The guy has had a shortage of them for quite a long time.
  7. IBO preview incoming.
  8. Beerus is not a good bullshitter.
  9. I have a feeling that Frost isn't who he says he is. One punch can't just do that unless he knew what he was doing.
  10. LMFAO, Goku just took his loss with such grace.
  11. That time of the week again!
  12. And that is how the ship got its name. Much easier to remember, btw.
  13. Son of a bitch, I liked Hilda!
  14. OH SHIT! They're gonna' fall into the Sun!
  15. They're bit preoccupied, Hilda.
  16. MacDougal: "I'm doing this because I'm the bad guy. I have a scar. That means I'm a badass traitor. Remember?"
  17. YEAH, get fucked Confucius!
  18. Was that an actual [as] ad, or am I just tripping from the vodka I've drank?
  19. Lol, "Uh oh." I swear, she'd be a keeper if she were real.
  20. LOL, yeah, back in the day you had to drive your shit around in unison. Sorry guys!
  21. I swear, Melphina is so adorable.
  22. Theme song woke me up. If I can get through this, then I can get to bed....
  23. So maybe we'll have an episode that connects to the other since that agent is on the run? Would be unique, since every episode has been stand alone for so long.
  24. Basically, the guy's either on 'roids, he's Hulk, or he's a demon. Through my grogginess, I questioned whether or not this was really happening. Did it?
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