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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Looks Rape Ape's reign of terror has ended.
  2. And he still has the hots for Anne. Shit.
  3. In a nutshell, when you think about it, Dio hired a fucking monkey.
  4. I'm starting to wonder if the alcohol is setting in, or if this is actually happening...
  5. I just realized, if he's into porn....is he going to...DO stuff?
  6. Okay, not quite a Psycho moment, but it's close enough.
  7. If we get a Psycho moment with her and the ape, I'll FLIP.
  8. Not only is he smart, but he has good taste in women. Damn.
  9. Of course. Go back to the orangutan...
  10. So, phantom ship I guess?
  11. She'll only trust the big muscular man with gray hair, apparently.
  12. OH YEAH, I forgot about the giant ship.
  13. I'm wondering when Dio will actually show himself in a brightly lit room for once.
  14. Seeing Krillin carry Bulma away = PRICELESS.
  15. Lol, I love this is reflected by the "glow" surrounding them.
  16. Further reminders that they wasted one wish with the Dragon Balls, since Buu is pretty much killing everyone.
  17. Basically, the sword is only meant to be wielded by those with extreme power.
  18. Lol, at least Kibito knows when he has been proven wrong.
  19. Uhh....he said "everything," Gohan.
  20. "I don't understand!" You should. This is the THIRD (4th? 5th?) time a monster stronger than the heroes has popped in. Considering this is the first of many arcs you've been in, a stronger character than Cell was inevitable.
  21. If I had to guess, since he swiped at Goku, I think it may have been a poison of some kind (possibly non-fatal). I guess we'll have to wait next week to find out. But a nice guy like Frost (if he's as nice as he seems) wouldn't seem the type to use such measures.
  22. NEVER MIND, Mumen Rider Frost is not.
  23. Getting Mumen Rider vibes from this.
  24. Unfortunately, it looks like Frost is no Golden Frieza in his final form.
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