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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Well. That was anti-climactic.
  2. Pirates apparently box, play basketball, and have a secret gym. Where the fuck was this in One Piece?
  3. Killua is going to kick this guy's ass.
  4. Oh yeah, they're fighting pirates this episode.
  5. WHAT is with the shots! Black hair. White hair. Back to black hair. Back to white hair. The shots for this are fucking dreadful.
  6. So he's a ghoul again? FUCK IT. I don't care anymore. This just needs to end.
  7. I guess the red shards mean he did set it on fire. Kaneki is either really depressed, or a pyromaniac.
  8. Uh....actually, you bring up a good point. This anime is so dull, I just realized that the coffee shop was on fire when that happened. Good question. If this isn't explained at some point during this episode, this anime is something I'll tell all my friends about....so they can avoid it.
  9. Wait, wait, wait. So he's not a ghoul anymore? So he could have deactivated and entered "Human mode" at any point?
  10. Well, aside from the war you haven't participated in, everything is on fire!
  11. I think she's just like Forrest Gump right now. Doesn't know where she's going, but just had a sudden impulse to run.
  12. Touka, STILL running like she has for the last three episodes...
  13. The fuck is with the light shining through at random intervals? Are aliens outside or some shit? Oh, just helicopters...
  14. I love how they're showing credits at the beginning of the episode.... As though we give a shit.
  15. "Some say that she ran even after the credits rolled..."
  16. So, this is the end? No more shit? Just another season of IBO after this? GOOD.
  17. That would be mildly creepy. Not as creepy as Rape Ape, but still somewhat creepy.
  18. Either he was in on it, or the Temperance actually knew that's how he eats cherries.
  19. Ass-kicking imminent. "It's just a prank, bro!"
  20. He's trying to slither away! Don't let him go!
  21. Lol, cocky asshole is now pleading for his life.
  22. I think it's a way for the mangaka to show how evil people are. Only a cold, heartless person could kill a dog so mercilessly.
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