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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. (In best Crocodile Dundee accent) That's ain't a dead board... Now that's a dead board.
  2. Kittys are by definition angels, so I'm sure you deserved it. Make it up to them and smuggle them some catnip to them and I'm sure they'll forgive you and bite you on the other hand so they match again. Heh, I still got a little scar on my leg from when my cat dug his claws into it when I took him outside a little too long and he started to feel the call of the wild. He was a housecat, but I took him out in our backyard every once in a while on a leash, and he'd be fine for the first five or ten minutes, but after that would start to freak out and get kinda crazy, so after he gashed me that one time I learned my lesson and always brought him back inside after a little while.
  3. Finished season 2 of Heroes and am about halfway through season 3. I always wondered why they had an image of an eclipse in the title card image. Guess now I know.
  4. Well, given that sequels are pretty much ubiquitously viewed as being worse than the original, my prediction is for an unbelievably even more miserable sequel. Ha ha ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha ha! 😈
  5. Artic Dogs 6/10 Dumbo (live-action) 9/10 Mulan (live-action) 5/10 (Meh. I liked the animated version a lot more. First Disney live-action movie to really disappoint me honestly. Really surprised they didn't have any singing.) Bill & Ted Face the Music 8/10 (Almost felt like Keanu and Alex never stopped being Bill and Ted somehow. Guess they still got it. Party on dudes!) The New Mutants 8/10 (Pretty nice cross between horror and super hero genres.)
  6. Been watching Heroes for the first time. Was just gonna watch an episode or two and now I'm hooked and already finished the first season. Was shocked but very pleased when I saw Stan Lee had a cameo in it. That totally made my day.
  7. Okay, let's see... Hmmmm, how to respond to this then... How about...
  8. I think they're just faking. ::takes sword and sticks it in...:: 😈 Nope. Guess it wasn't faking. 😮 I'ma get my shovel. On second thought, maybe we should give it a Viking funeral.
  9. Hey, you're somebody I actually remember. Wow. Welcome home. What a long journey you must of had to get here. Why don't take a load off. Just sit back, relax, and rest your weary eyes. Quck, somebody, get the chloroform and rope. We can't let another one get away.
  10. Ride Your Wave That was better than I thought it was going to be. Pretty much the opposite of Children of the Sea which I also saw not that long ago and was really disappointed by.
  11. Not until you give me 50 nuzzles followed by 100 snuggles. Need a demonstration? Now go ahead. You know you wanna.
  12. Neither. I'm a devoted disciple of Koala Kai. They're the best of both worlds.
  13. Quick! Somebody give it mouth to mouth! Not it.
  14. It's Madness. You know, Our House. I got one more. Baltimore.
  15. Well, nobody's purrfect.
  16. Not necessarily. You could if you were adorable enough and gave everyone the sad eyes. Before you know it then it's...
  17. Sexys Midnight Runners Fight Said Fred
  18. Well, that wouldn't work on me. I don't stream anything. Aren't you already a dick everyday though? Hmmm. So I guess that means mission accomplished! 😄
  19. 😃 There won't be much of a world left to take over soon, so why bother? I say just leave it to our soon to be alien overlords and let them handle the mess. J/K They'll probably just exterminate us all the second they see how screwed up we all are.
  20. This encapsulates my feelings about all this lately.
  21. I'm not gonna lie. I'm total jelly of you right now.
  22. I voted for it. It's not at all complicated. It just lets the state governement have the ability to make different tax brackets for different income levels. Whether it passes or fails, taxes can still be raised. Just the way things are now they'd have to raise on the low and middle class along with the rich people, which is why they want to change it so they're no longer forced to choose between raising taxes on everyone and laying tons of people off because of the pandemic and lack of financial support from the federal government. Fact that they're spamming so many ads about it should be enough to tell you the rich folk here are desperate to kill it cuz they're the only ones wth deep enough pockets to spend on that many ads. If they're that worried about it, that's reason enough to vote yes if you asked me. Well, unless of course you're rich and super greedy.
  23. I hate guns. Why? MacGyver hated guns, and growing up that was one of my favorite TV shows, so I guess that plays a big part of it. Besides that though I don't really think they're cool at all. They're a cowards weapon basically. If you want to kill someone, I say be a real man and use a sword.
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