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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Hah, they really are throwing them out like trash. Again Chin Jao cursing the children and grandchildren. Why can't he just be content to want revenge against the person who wronged him and leave it at that?
  2. So he figured out how to combine breathing techniques in an instant just like that. I guess you can chalk it up to good fighting instincts combined with a heaping helping of desperation.
  3. Man they sure lost a lot of guys. Do ninjas just grow on trees? Anyway, was the traitor one of the elite ninjas, or did someone just hack one of the suits. Either way, probably a decent chance they're the one who's been talking with Higan.
  4. People have such short memories. It doesn't at all surprise me that folks that actually listened to such a passionate and fiery speech would come away from it seeing things in a positive light. Question is how many people will actually take the time to listen. Also, how many of them that did are gonna remember six to eight months from now when it actually comes time to vote. I admit though I come away from tonight feeling just a little bit more cautiously optimistic about how things are gonna go. Yeah, I know it doesn't sound like much, but for me, the eternal pessimist, that's a lot.
  5. Rebecca uses observation haki. Guess almost everyone who's anyone in the new world has to be able to use some type of haki. Still, never injuring her opponents while being a gladiator? That's what I call being extraordinarily kind. Seriously though, I'm not sure how kind it really is when there's sharks and stuff in the water she's knocking people into. LOL
  6. Oh boy, I don't think Zoro knows what he just got himself into encouraging this guy.
  7. LOL She was glowing and then poof, back to normal. Canceled the ID.
  8. She can dodge bullets, but she can't evade a kick to her fanny.
  9. Makes you wonder why wisteria isn't more widely used as a weapon against the demons if it's effective even against the upper rank ones.
  10. By exposing yourself to small doses until you build up a tolerance, like Wesley from the Princess Bride did.
  11. It's a trap... but who gives a damn. He's going in anyway. Of course. He wouldn't be much of a ninja if he flinched in the face of danger.
  12. Wouldn't be at all surprise if it's the latter. Kind of would make sense if that pervy guy, or even the reaper, were helping him get into the city jsut so they could have a shot at taking him on.
  13. "From the moment I met you, I had already broken the code." That's one hell of a pickup line.
  14. LMAO She want the money. She really is Nami after all.
  15. Yeah, don't strain yourself. It may be fun posting here, but it ain't worth your health. Hope you're feeling better soon.
  16. Got almost all caught up on Quantum Leap now. Just need to watch the season finale. Would have done so already, but new season of Survivor, so I was watching that.
  17. Unless Law's got a Blue-Eyes White Dragon or two up his sleeve, I think he's in trouble. Ha ha,.
  18. By coincidence I just happen to be eating ramen, too, so that part really made me laugh.
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