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Everything posted by pail

  1. Twilight was a big success, too. Transformers 5 is coming out this year. Just because something is popular doesn't make it good.
  2. pail


    For some reason ASMR genuinely disturbs me. Not as much as furries or bronies, but that culture just kinda weirds me out.
  3. I was talking about the premise. There's been like 6 Resident Evil movies and even that's too much in my opinion. And the run-time of the entire Walking Dead series far exceeds that of all those piles of garbage RE movies. Zombie stories do not work in long form media.
  4. I'm not sure if I should post "Hanging by a Moment" or "Heart Attack". So I'm just gonna post both.
  5. Is it a commercial beer or is it a craft beer?
  6. I knew this show was going to be the next 'Lost', so I never invested in it. You just simply cannot take a zombie survival horror movie and stretch it out into a long series. I've been telling people this for years now. Addendum: While I've never particularly felt that Game of Thrones was too long for it's premise, I don't watch that show either. I'm just not really into "medieval" fantasy stuff. I haven't watched a series since Nurse Jackie, and even with that I gave up after the third or fourth season. There are very few shows that I've watched start to finish. Well, if you don't count animes.
  7. It's Saturday. It's like the only day I can get drunk.
  8. I'm eating Subway. And Monster energy drink.
  9. I scrapped that plan. I'm waiting for my pizza dude to get off work an see if he'll bust a g. Then get a 4 pack of MHL and rail half a Subutex.
  10. I voted for Obama back in '08. I ain't no racist. Plus the other day I held open a door for a black person.
  11. You call the lonely, overweight men you knobgob in the back of a sputtering Buick customer service?
  12. I'ma slam a MHL with a Xanax bar and then take 100mg of Benadryl. #turnt
  13. Italian dressing makes me sick. I realize you can get an Italian sandwich w/o the dressing but I just avoid it altogether. Besides tuna salad sub is best sub.
  14. Lettuce, onion and the extra jalapenos. I bet they don't skimp like fuggs. Because I'm nice and courteous when I order food from people making $8.50 an hour.
  15. pail

    At $0 again

    That's a very large track rug.
  16. pail

    At $0 again

    You should hold on to your money. You have three mouths to feed after all.
  17. pail

    At $0 again

    You've never bought diverted back alley Ritalin and snorted it off the title side of Meteora in your mom's Dodge Neon? Square.
  18. pail

    At $0 again

    There are a surprising lack of alleys where I live, and probably less so in Nerb's throat of the forest. But I'm just going on what I've learned from Lil' Boosie's tales of hoodlum delinquency.
  19. pail

    At $0 again

  20. Casey Calvert is the name of the guitarist/backing vocalist from critically acclaimed band 'Hawthorne Heights'. Casey died tragically while on tour due to an accidental overdose caused by Vicodin, anti-anxiety medication, and an anti-depressant. It is unknown whether this stage name was chosen in order to honor Casey's legacy, or is simply a matter of coincidence.
  21. Wolverine has a quarter Chinese granddaughter from that time he fight the Japanese guy in the samurai robot suit and he knock up a Nipponese and then go back to America. Professor X gone die. And Deadpool camo because the Fox $$$.
  22. That's why you gorge on nachos and dip during the commercials, then get the beta of the group to microwave everyone some Tyson Any'tizers and bring out of a bowl of ranch dressing.
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