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Everything posted by pail

  1. This is the room for the Triple Digit Post Count posters. We brave few who have kept the breadth of our flailing fingers narrow and true. We courageous souls who recognize the importance of conservatism, and modesty. To ourselves, we raise our glasses, and replay Yea.
  2. Couldn't agree more.
  3. Six seasons too late, unfortunately.
  4. pail


    So how much would a day at Sea World cost? I promise I won't throw you in the shark tank.
  5. Look I don't doubt that there are female gamers out there who are better than me at video games. But these girls ain't them.
  6. More like the author is trying to spin girls whoring themselves out to Skype with lonely neckbeards for $10 an hour into a positive thing. Yeah, no, they're not reinforcing negative stereotypes at all.
  7. I just feel like a guy would be a better coach than some bimbo jiggling her tits.
  8. pail


  9. This might make me seem sexist, but I would rather give a guy five dollars for an hour of Overwatch coaching than a girl.
  10. They've found whale carcasses with remnant of giant squid in them. So. Probably a whale. Or natural causes.
  11. It looks like a giant squid to me.
  12. Please adhere to the topic at hand.
  13. The alien that's holding Mel Gibson's son at the end of 'Signs' has active camouflage. If you look at the hand that's holding the boy, you can see an identical flannel pattern on his arm to the one on the boy's shirt. I've probably watched this movie 10 times over the years but I didn't even realize this until my most recent viewing. Even when they're down in the cellar you can see more evidence of this when the alien goes to grab the boy through the grate.
  14. I was just watching a video about it on Ruptly.
  15. How it have 2 release dates some bullshi.
  16. What? You're the one defending coma spunking.
  17. Oh well, that changes everything. I'm sure Asuka would be totally fine with that.
  18. How do you know how good she is? Ariana came up in an era where vocal manipulation is an industry standard.
  19. What do you have against Kotaku?
  20. I don't have hundreds right now, I'm poooooooor. I guess I could get on Overwatch and pretend to be a girl for you for an hour for 10 bucks. I mean I main as Ana and I've got the tits going so it's almost like the real deal.
  21. I stopped reading the article when I got to the part where all the girls admitted their only clients were men. It was just too sad and hilarious and obvious.
  22. Smgdh http://kotaku.com/i-paid-women-to-play-overwatch-with-me-and-it-was-fant-1795144088 "Earlier this week, on Fiverr.com, I selected Biu’s “Basic” package which, in exchange for $5, granted me her company for five Overwatch games. In her profile’s image, a helicopter selfie, Biu is wearing a t-shirt with Zelda’s Link and sticking out her tongue. “If you want a good healer,” her gig page reads, “I’m a Mercy main.” A few hours later, my new, paid Overwatch companion and I queued up for a Quick Play match. Biu, 25, is a student in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For extra cash, she charges for her time playing Overwatch, typically as a healer. She and four other women I interviewed or paid to play Overwatch with me supplement their income by putting a price on sharpened skills, good-humored commentary or, in Overwatch terms, “pocket” healing. It’s an increasingly popular gig. There are more than 200 listings on Fiverr for paid Overwatch companions. Dozens of those listings are fronted by pictures of women. Companions charge for graduated packages ranging from $5 to $15 for five, ten or fifteen games. “I have free time and I’m using it to game. So why not play and get paid for it?” Biu told me."
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