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Everything posted by pail

  1. I was right, he was upset. Whatever. I have obligations outside of work, and he buggers off all the time without telling anyone where or why. And he also considers his wondering as on the clock. It wouldn't surprise me if he decided to skip out on work, spend the day at Disney and consider it paid vacation. Oh and the monumental task that he was miffed about having to do himself? Loading about 30 boxes on a pallet, wrapping it, and waiting for a truck to arrive so he could forklift it in. Not that I would have minded getting 4 hours pay for such a menial job. Too bad I had other obligations I'd made him well aware of ahead of time. He's just upset because he had to do it and didn't want to be there. God forbid a supposed manager actually, you know, manage things. Harsh words here, but I really don't think I'm too off beat. He's a spoiled person who inherited a company that his parents built up, the only aspect of the job he enjoys (or, frankly) cares about is the 2 - 3x income (compared to other workers) he pulls in solely on the random factor of parentage and nepotism he was blessed with. That's not to say he's incapable of working. He just doesn't want to. And his position affords him privileges, authority and power that he never had to work hard or strive for. Literally the worst archetype occupying a position he should be nowhere near. But, that's life I suppose. I've got no backup plan or way out. So in the meantime I'll force myself to continue my diligence and obey the wretched creature dangling my source of income above me until something else comes along.
  2. Idk. Somehow the touchpad and display screen got smashed so I couldn't see anything and I couldn't do anything with it.
  3. Our relationship is platonic.
  4. It's more along the lines of manufacturing. I think the boss just doesn't like it when I'm not there because I'm pretty much the only one willing to do all the work nobody wants to do, mostly cleaning equipment and the building itself.
  5. Told him well in advance that I'd need at least half of Thursday off to clean house because insurance appraisers will be coming by later this afternoon. Took all day to get mostly everything done so I wasn't able to make it into work. My phone is bricked so I had to go get a new one last night. Unfortunately my contact info couldn't be transferred because the old phone was completely inoperable, so I wasn't able to contact him. There's no reason for him to be upset, closing up Wednesday me and another worker set everything up for Thursday's work in advance. And the work I would have been doing wasn't complicated or labor intensive. Eh, we'll see.
  6. I'm neither self loathing nor a shut in. I reflect on myself occasionally as most do, and I socialize from time to time. I'm certainly not a Type-A personality who likes to go out on the town every weekend, but I'm far from some hikikomori weirdo. That being said, I'd like to know what these things are that you know better than I do.
  7. Diplomacy fails and wars result. Don't treat this instance like it's something special because it's the way things have always been. Granted the North American tribes weren't as brutal and and despicable as the Central American tribes, but North American natives weren't saints either. Ever hear of this thing called scalping? How about ambushing defenseless villages in the middle of the night? Sounds atrocious, right? Well both sides are guilty of it so quit putting these endangered species on a fucking pedestal because "muh smallpox blankets."
  8. Oh bullshit. Native Americans were savages with a penchant for violence and getting high as shit. Quit deifying these savages.
  9. You're right. You obviously know this guy better than I do.
  10. pail

    Holy shit!

    2 for $5 is a steal when it comes to blueberries.
  11. No he would just hound me for the money. Now if I ever really fucked him, which I wouldn't do, like... just jack an entire bottle from him then I would probably get a whooping.
  12. Unless it's serious trafficking the likelihood of whites resorting to violence over petty debts is quite low.
  13. Okay? Is that supposed to be a dig? I'm really worried about you scoob, honestly. I think these past several months have really taken a toll on your mental health
  14. I hate asking for spots, rarely ever do it. And in this particular case he was the one who brought it up and said he'd be willing to help me out a little.
  15. Like I said dude it's just a joke. I've never fucked him over and always get him back.
  16. pail

    Holy shit!

    Those are pretty good deals too. I like ava for its role in making some rocking guac. Pineapple... eh. It's a alright fruit but it's just too sweet and sour to me at the same time. Specials on pineapples are kinda like seeing specials on blackberries, or raspberries. Can't stand either of those but def prefer pineapple over them.
  17. Dudes engage in this sort of dynamic all the time. Last week Jerry paid for rounds, this week Troy is footing the tab. We respect each other, honor self sacrifice, and reward trust and loyalty among ourselves.
  18. Speaking from personal experience.
  19. I think it was more of a joke than anything. He knows I always get him back as soon as I can even if things fall through I'll hustle to get him back.
  20. I'm not, they aren't dates. It's just a gesture of gratitude for being such a cool brah.
  21. pail

    Holy shit!

    Eh you can probably find similar deals if you shop around. Got any produce shops that deal exclusively in selling fruits, veggies, spices, etc?
  22. pail

    Holy shit!

    They are the shit. One of my favorite snacks. Pecan and raisin bowl mix is nice too. And I also enjoy the fruit salad stuff the stores have chopped up But the blueberries were just the hors d'oeuvre for the main course later: A giant steak burrito loaded with veggies, cream and guac and more chips and savory salsa than I know what to do with.
  23. The whole "Well I know where you live." thing coulda been left out, imho. I've borrowed from this guy countless times and always hit him back as promptly as I can. Shit sometimes I even take him out to dinner or a movie as a thank you for being such a cool dude.
  24. Jamaicans blazing down ditch weed is a staple of their culture? Do they know that might look bad from outsiders who aren't stoned out 24/7 and can't open up their inner chakras.
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