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Everything posted by pail

  1. He was tired of being what they wanted him to be. Feeling faceless, lost under the surface. He didn't know what they were expecting of him Put under the pressure of walking in their shoes
  2. D'aw, somebody cares about me.
  3. It's just alprazolam. And it's prescribed. Not necessarily to me but... It is prescribed.
  4. But they're legal, and FDA approved.
  5. Honestly, in terms of icon pics this isn't my favorite. It works for the most part but doesn't really elevate anything.
  6. Okonkwo did.
  7. Who, me?
  8. It doesn't have a serial number on it so unfortunately you won't be able to pawn it for $15 and get that sweet King Kobra monies.
  9. Huh. I rarely come across those types anyway. Well, if I kick the bucket you can have first dibs on all my personal effects.
  10. Fentanyl laced heroin is a huge problem. I know there have been instances where people will press fake bennies but I never heard of them lacing them with fentanyl... I think Roe is just confused.
  11. If you do end up seeing it let us know what you thought of it. I haven't checked any review sites thus far as it's only been out for
  12. What books? 50 Shades Darker?
  13. Courtney and Naraku sitting in a tree
  14. Christopher Nolan saw Saving Private Ryan and said "... I can make it grittier." Honestly Dunkirk looks... pretty meh imho.
  15. They hyping the shit out of this for some reason. Idk it looks interesting but I get a very John Carter Mars vibe from it.
  16. I mean I could be wrong but I think she has a pretty large fan base. She's not someone I would consider underrated either. A lot of people know about her and a lot of people like her.
  17. Maybe that's just the way she wants it to be. I don't know her personally but she doesn't seem like the type of person who wants to be a "rockstar." Pretty sure she's content with her level of success and just enjoys making music that her fans have come to know and love. She's a powerhouse for sure, but I don't think she wants to get onto the major record label superstar train... for some reason, just a hunch.
  18. Dude, don't go down the booze path. I mean, sure, party down occassionaly if you want. Nothing wrong with that. Just don't get bad with it. There was a period of time in my life between like 2011 and 2014 where I drank like a fish on a regular basis. It just fucks everything up. You've been warned.
  19. Where you getting this from?
  20. More or less. Might soldier through these and pig out. Bennies give me the munchies.
  21. Courtney is great, love her. She can rock.
  22. It's just a game mochi. Try not to get too worked up over it.
  23. I'm not on anyone's side here. This thread is just disappointing.
  24. 10 S903s. Admittedly it's a little late to crunch into these... eh, we'll see where the night takes us.
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